[center][color=f26522][h2]Kalani Solle[/h2][/color]
Bride of [color=bc8dbf]Cuwarr Naxremis[/color] and future sister-bride of [color=00a99d]Amalia Solair[/color]

Kalani actually enjoyed her first kiss and promised Cuwarr that he will not regret it. She then leads him around in search for a new bride. They had come across Amalia being pushed by a guard and Kalani intervenes. She then offers the gem some advice.

Her first kiss was not what she had expected. It was gentle yet passionate and she did not expect a drakken to have such soft lips. But what surprised her the most was her own reaction. She did not struggle or feel revolted but instead she had returned his passion and kissed him back. Her back was pushed against the wall but she wanted to lean forward, closer towards him. Her arms had wrapped themselves around his neck. When the two lips had parted, she found herself catching her breath as well and her face was flushed red. As he rested his forehead against hers, she felt the desire to kiss him once more but resisted.

[color=f26522]"That was my first kiss as well, mi'lord. And worry not. My promise to you as your bride is to ensure that you will never regret our first kiss,"[/color] she whispered back. 

She watched him as he put his breastplate back on and followed him out of the washroom. He appeared to have return back to his 'normal' self but had admitted that he was still cautious around the other gems. She did not blame him; Sorici had been very close to taking his life. And now as he had given her the responsibility of choosing a new bride for him, she must be careful to ensure that nothing like that will ever happen again. [color=f26522]"Of course mi'lord, I will do my best to find you another suitable bride,"[/color] she said. Then she had taken his hand and led him out of the chamber and back into the halls. 

As they walked, she had heard some whispers about her husband and none of which were in good taste. They were whispering about his 'bad aim' and his inability to keep his first wife under control. They snickered at the sight of a drakken being led around by his gem bride. Whether or not her husband had heard them, she did not know but she had ignored them and kept her head held up high.

The whispering soon stopped as something seemed to be attracting the other's attention. Kalani, curious as to what was going on, had followed the rest of the crowd. A gem had been pushed onto the ground by a drakken guard, yet she still continued to speak.  [color=00a99d]"I am Amalia Solair, daughter of the Earth and the Sky. I may not love the Drakken but I will never hate them. Hatred is the poison your people feed on. It blackens your hearts and corrupts your souls. And I swear by the Great Mother Vivari herself that you will not taint my heart with it." [/color]

Kalani glanced over at her husband to see if he showed any signs of interest towards the white-haired gem. Regardless, Kalani felt the need to intervene. The girl would be killed immediately if no one would step up. So Kalani had stood between the girl and the guard, but never did she let go of Cuwarr's hand. [color=f26522]"You have nothing to prove, sister,"[/color] she said, her face was blank and expressionless. [color=f26522]"Please forgive her. She is most likely hysterical." [/color] She had bowed her head to the guard to feign some sort of sincerity which was enough to satisfy the drakken. 

[color=f26522]"Follow me, sister,"[/color] she said, lifting her head once more and looking the girl in the eyes. Once they had escaped the crowd, Kalani began to speak.[color=f26522]"My name is Kalani and this is my husband, Lord Cuwarr Naxremis. While I do admire your audacity, I am obliged to advise you that you should be more careful. I have seen our sisters killed in the matter of seconds here and you might join them if you do not learn to bite your tongue."[/color]