[@KiritoAsuna] I wont deny the game has many hours of content (I haven't even gotten around to exploring everything or doing every quest since I get to caught up in other things). But some of the game's systems could use serious improvement... Magic massively so (I loved magic back in oblivion so much verity and options.. so limited in skyrim), Enchantment needs also work because it pretty much just a system to make magic cost for spells 0 and break the game. Restoration Necromage perk is pretty much a cheat ability as well because if you turn into a vampire you can heal yourself by such an insane amount that it is broken as well. So the game has a lot of game breaking mechanics basically, Smithing is always a forced perk tree, and Speachcraft is rarely to never used, same for illusion and alteration. This is rather annoying on many accounts, which is why I love mods because some completely retrofit the game and fix many of these and some even add new content. Like the mod Requiem it completely changes the game and makes it 20x harder, yet makes the system a lot more rewarding as well. not to mention it makes it so there is over 200+ lore friendly and balanced spells. along with a better balanced system so you'll be less likely wanting to use armor as a mage. (Makes spells cost more with armor). it also retrofits a lot of the perk trees to make them more verity, more unique, and more likely to use certain trees.