[center] [h1][color=bc8dbf]Lord Cuwarr Naxremis[/color][/h1] Husband of [color=f7941d]Kalani[/color] ([@karamonnom]), his auburn rose, and future husband of Amalia Solair ([@Belle]) [hider=Summary] Cuwarr and Kalani come to the intervention of Amalia. Cuwarr holds back a drakken from harming his wife before demonstrating just how sharp his eyes are by piercing an earring no larger than a dime. As he met Amalia, Cuwarr instantly tests her resolve and belief in the role of hate when it came to the survival of a person. [/hider] [/center] "By Drun's name, I will split your head upon the marble floor if you dare raise your hand against my wife." Cuwarr growled, streaks of malice dripping from his tone as he gripped the drakken guard's raised wrist. The fool had intended to harm Kalani's intervention on behalf of this other gem who lashed out at her oppressors. But, rather than being inspired by her defiance, her scene only reminded him of Sorici's outburst before she ultimately wounded him. His nerves tingled, his bloodlust growing with the need to assert his own dominance by maiming this Amalia until she couldn't walk straight. Before his lust for violence could overpower him, Cuwarr released his hold on the man before he started to trail behind Kalani who had taken it upon herself to confront the boisterous gemminite. After a few steps, though, the offended drakken began to taunt the marksman with insults of his missed shots against the gemminite who escaped. "I don't want to hear those coming from an archer who couldn't even hit the broad side of a barn!" the drakken roared, brandishing his sword in an attempt to start a fight. "You're weak, pathetic. USELESS!" In a flash, Cuwarr spun around, bow and quiver in reach, as he notched an arrow upon the bow. His aim was true, his body tensing for the briefest of eternities. Then, with a whoosh of air, the arrow soared through the air with blinding speed as it pierced the drakken's small ornamental earring off of his earlobe. A spurt of blood poured from the wound as the immense haste of the arrow caused the drakken to feel the pain late. But, once his senses caught up, the drakken held his bleeding ear, spouting curses at Cuwarr who only spat in his direction. "The next one will be between your eyes if you do not know your place." Cuwarr spoke coldly as he turned around to follow Kalani. "Though you may be the king of pigs, you are still a pig when faced with the butcher's carver. And, I am the butcher." The warlord left the scene as he caught up to his wife who had begun berating Amalia's lack of tact and hold of tongue. While he was amused with the display, it was only a matter of time before Kalani called out to him. The warlord stepped forward, revealing himself to the gemminite as he snaked his arm around his wife's waist, pulling her closer to him. Behind the eye piece, Cuwarr observed the gemminite through half-lidded eyes. Her golden tresses fell softly down to her waist; her eyes glowed with a passion that only a drakken's bloodlust could match. Emerald eyes looked up at him, causing a shudder to run down Cuwarr's spine. Instinctively, the warlord's hand snapped to the scar near his neck, a sense of paranoia gripping him once more. "A fly who refuses to keep silent will immediately be flattened with the broad side of one's palm." Cuwarr began, a dark tone lacing his voice. "And, yet, the fly claims that it does not hate its oppressor. Hate is a powerful thing. For those bred in the harshest conditions where the sun bites and the moon sears, only through hate will one survive. Why, you ask? It is because through hate, we rage against the dying of the light. Our hate makes us stronger, and turned us to the masters of warfare that we are now." Cuwarr spoke non-stop with a small smirk. "You claim that Vivari will safeguard your heart from being tainted with hate, and yet Vivari herself could not stop her children from bringing suffering into the land. It wasn't because Vivari was naturally weak, but it was because her sons possessed something that she didn't have. And, that something made her sons stronger than her. Do you know what that thing is, Amalia? It is hate. If Vivari could have hated her sons, then, she would have decimated Drun, Krenta, and Sorrak. So, I ask you, dear fly, what else is better a nectar of life but hate?" It was test, and Cuwarr believed Kalani knew the warlord's intention as well.