(If this is too complex, let me know. While a lot of writers struggle to make things more complicated and detailed, I actually struggle to come up with an idea without going rather in-depth with it. Another reason I don't usually do casual RP. I did go out of my way to make it far less detailed and a lot shorter than the sort of thing I'd write up for one of my story characters. I've taken into account how you want the story to be able to develop and us to be able to gain items or abilities as we go, so I wrote his story in a way that means he doesn't have full knowledge of his special item, and certain things also currently prevent him from freely using his full powers as a mage.) [b]Name:[/b] Emmanuel Lovecraft [b]Title/Nickname:[/b] Ernst Leblanc (alias), Traitor of the Arcane Tower (title) [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] Scholar [b]Trope/Archetype:[/b] [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WizardClassic]Wizard Classic[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] 171cm / 5'7"[hider=Emmanuel Lovecraft {True Form}][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b930a6ba-2b58-42c2-a3cf-5574ab65888b.png[/img][/hider][hider='Ernst Leblanc' {Illusionary Form}][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8cdd9da5-eaf6-42ec-89e7-aed2865a3bf7.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] The Apocrypha Grimoire - A tome from the Arcane Tower rumoured to hold the secrets of the gods. Before he was banished from the tower, he stole it and used its powers to survive execution. The elders of the Arcane Tower want to get it back, and have agents pursuing him for it. While he has used part of its content to increase his own magical abilities and survive a curse that should have destroyed his soul, a portion of its content still remains a mystery to him. [*] Standard Staff - Due to being an outcast of the Arcane Tower, he was never given a proper magic staff since he never graduated. As a result of this, he had to use his innate wisdom and resolve to compensate and be able to rival other mages in a casting duel. [*] Wizard Attire - Conventional robe and pointed hat garments commonly associated with users of the magic arts. Note that despite the above picture having the hat worn over his back, he often wears it on his head like a conventional wizard.[/list] [b]Background:[/b] Adopted into the Arcane Tower, the place where many of the world's greatest court wizards hail from and considered a bastion of wisdom and sacred ground where only the chosen may tread, he possessed a prodigy-like understanding of the magical arts ever since he was a youth, and under the tutelage of his mentor developed these talents until his teacher was killed during a mysterious conspiracy within the Arcane Tower related to an ancient tome. Over the following years, he brought unconventional ideas about the magic arts and how one could develop them, but was never taken seriously due to his age and was eventually banished from ever becoming a true wizard. During this time, he stole the ancient tome after he discovered part of the conspiracy within the Arcane Tower, and the elders placed a curse on him that he only survived because of the magical powers within the tome. Escaping from the elders, he has been on the run ever since. [b]Pros:[/b] [list] [*] Wisdom beyond his years, granting him powers rivalling those of the highest ranked magic wielders. His arcane insight and generally vast intelligence mean that, while physically limited (he is more encumbered as opposed to being weak), he is usually able to outwit and adapt to his opponents and even handle a direct confrontation so long as he avoids taking damage. These mental capabilities also mean he is able to read the people and events around him with piercing accuracy, much of the world being an open book to him. They also mean he possesses highly advanced learning for anything that draws his obsession, and he can understand deeply complex and abstract concepts almost intuitively. [*] Extensive knowledge and proficiency in dealing with magical, undead, demonic, divine, and extra-dimensional entities. [*] Conviction and devotion to his goals and principles, with a will and resolve that are virtually unbending. Easily the type of person whose endurance and fortitude would result in him dying before he willingly stayed down in a fight, and he's generally quite fearless. The opinions of others seldom impact him, and his resilience is matched by very few. [/list] [b]Cons:[/b] [list] [*] The elders of the Arcane Tower placed a curse on him that sealed much of his powers. He is currently unable to use his more powerful incantations, such as summoning magic, without penalties, whereas normally he could use them freely. [*] He suffers from poor health, so without his magic making him superhuman he would not have very long to live. He needs to use some of his magic at all times to remain healthy, otherwise his sickness would become worse. [*] Possesses notoriously bad luck. [/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*] He frequently takes on the appearance of a much older wizard (known as 'Ernst Leblanc') whenever he needs to remain incognito (since he is on the run from a powerful organization) or if he needs to make sure that his opinion is taken seriously (he is incredibly used to establishments not respecting his wisdom merely based on his age and the fact that he never officially graduated as a wizard). [*] The curse placed on him by the elders is something he can resist against with his will, but it still sealed much of his power when it failed to destroy his soul. His ability to resist against it is the only reason he has any magic at all now, but he is currently searching for a way to break the seal completely. [/list]