[b]Name:[/b] Vekyzz [b]Title/Nickname:[/b] - [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Demon. The realm he comes from is called Qu'Nor. There exist a multitude of creatures, not only demons, but he is one of them. They come in a vast variety of different shapes and, believe it or not, not all of them are flat-out hostile to everything and everyone. Most are however. Vekyzz is a tad in the middle: Not willing to kill on sight, but easy to push into a decent rage that can become quite violent. [b]Appearance:[/b] As an individual he is an imposing figure: The man stands about 7 feet 2 inches tall (excluding the horns) and is packed with dense, voluminous muscles.[hider=Image][img]https://abload.de/img/demonowk5i.jpg[/img][/hider][b]Trope/Archetype:[/b] [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheBigGuy]The Big Guy[/url] [b]Profession:[/b] He doesn't really have one. He's basically become a survivalist capable of living off the wild land. He still seldomly accepts more or less shady jobs, but more for fun than out of necessity. [b]Background:[/b] Vekyzz has never experienced the freedom of having parents that keep you nourished and well-kept during your childhood. He hasn't even experienced the luxury of never having to switch the world one's living in, allowing as much time as possible to adapt. He was thrown into this realm by a mage craving for power, but the first thing that happened is another case of the scientist-runs-an-experiment-without-preparation-for-the-case-it-yields-exactly-the-outcome-he's-hoping-for trope. The summoner doesn't live anymore, killed in an instantaneous act of outrage. Unfortunately, Vekyzz thereby has also slain his only hope of returning - or at least the only one he knows about. Being doomed to continue living the life that had just started to exist, the demon started roaming the land. [b]Equipment:[/b][list][*]What would he be without his trusty, colossal, vintage looking sword ? Technically it isn't even really a sword, but merely an outstanding piece of mechanical butchery consisting of a thick piece of sheet metal that was ground to have a sharp edge on one side while the other was bolted to a large handle. It's purely makeshift.[*]An equally impressive collection of... one might be tempted to say 'garbage', but let's just call it an armor consisting of pieces of leather, fur and cloth stacked upon another and combined and held together with chains. It covers most of his body.[*]A cheap, but complete set of 'civil' clothing.[/list] [b]Pros:[/b] [list][*][color=green]+[/color] Very strong and tough. He's capable of moving and lifting things an ordinary human couldn't dream of. [*][color=green]+[/color] Rather intelligent, though not outstandingly.[/list] [b]Cons:[/b] [list][*][color=red]-[/color] His appearance. When people see him, prices go up, and when he leaves, they go down again as if by magic. He's really not far from being an outcast and scorn can be achieved by a wide variety of methods. [*][color=red]-[/color] He's lean and wouldn't consider himself particularly tall or heavy. By human standards however he is a crushing, walking tower and thereby prone to more or less embarrassing accidents. Furniture, badly maintained buildings and the like aren't exactly designed for him.[*][color=red]-[/color] He's inexperienced with this world and the habits, traditions and reasoning of its inhabitants. The negative impact of this has considerable lessened since his 'arrival', but is still noticeable.[/list] [b]Other:[/b] -