So, Elmera will be guarding the lift in her semi-immobilized state. As for the rest, a tie between Sadri and Raelyn means Do'Karth will have to go at it alone. He suffers -1 penalty to his RNG. First up is the persuasion check. Do'Karth has no speech skill, and neither is he a Dunmer. So it'll 8-10 when the other guys completely follow Karth, 6-7 they will draw weapon but listen reluctantly, 4-5 they retreat to regroup and 1-3 for attacking immediately. [img][/img] Do'Karth must have a super punchable face. Since his listeners turned enemies attack right away, we're gonna RNG for three projecticles. 8-10 all miss, 6-7 one hit, 3-5 two hits and 1-2 for a hat trick. [img][/img] Couldn't hit the broad side of barn. And there you have it, our brave spokescat played the turkey in a turkey shoot so the rest of you can attack.