[color=7bcdc8]"yeah that would be great"[/color] he said with a nod. Alexander was fine taking the tour on his own but to be accompanied by a peer would be nice too. [@TheHangedMan] [color=00a651]"but first I gotta ask who in the world that is? "[/color] he asked pointing to the winged blood mage[@Hippo AF]. [color=00a651]"he literally flew in here. That is freaking insane"[/color]. Alexander was pumped by the scene it was an insane spectical to see. He coulding stop thinking about it. Nodding to the woman he gave a small smile. [color=00a651]"so would you care to tell or shall we start the tour? Not in a rude way ma'am my apologies for any mistaken tones[/color]