[center][h1][color=008080]Noah Salik || Mess Hall[/color][/h1][/center] [center]For: [@TheHangedMan][/center] The pain was intense in Noah's head, he walked with visible signs of distress. His face squished, his vision was all but a blur, he moved through The Mess Hall, guided only by confusion, something drew him here. In his blur, something stood out, strawberry red hair. He shifted through the crowd, the more he focused on the strawberry hair, the more his vision became clear. He was next to her, a voice, distant but ever booming echoed throughout his head. "[color=662d91]Gold...[/color]" Noah spoke, his voice of confusion, but he had to know, what was happening to him? "[color=008080]Gold...?[/color]" [center][h1][color=ec008c]Britney Chambers || Mess Hall[/color][/h1][/center] Britney had entered The Mess Hall, a bit battered and sore from her previous fight. A massive uproar was booming throughout the Hall, a fight between Dragon Gods and Archtypes. Britney wasn't going to egg this on, they shouldn't fight because of peer preasure, they should fight to prove who's got the will to win. Britney walked through the Hall and shift through the people, she was always watching. She saw her old friend Noah stumble through the crowd, but she chose not to focus too much on him, too much bad blood. She could see all the new comers, so many. She smiled to herself, oh how fun it is going to be this year, but... The gravity was tense in here, someone has so much power. Only someone who can feel the gravity could tell, but it felt... evil.