[right][color=007236][b][h3]L E E[/h3][/b][/color][i]Mess Hall[/i][/right] Lee watched Xinhua carry Viktor with ease, almost as though the man had weighted nothing. She gave Viktor a bright smile, one that very much resembled the sun that brought her plants life, as she gently pried his hands from where he'd hidden them. [color=007236]"Unique,"[/color] she repeated his earlier word. Of course his hand was unique, but she had no idea why any would cringe or run from it. It was beautiful and, in a way, mesmerizing. She barely kept herself from poking a finger through one of them, and gave Viktor a sheepish smile. [color=007236]"Does it hurt? Or when it was created? Did it hurt?"[/color] She watched him intently, determined to get an answer for her prying questions... That was, until she caught sight of the train. It was always such a thrill riding it. And [i]oh.[/i] Was that Meruin? Lee had heard both Tarsus and Ophelia speak about the young mage, about the great capabilities of her magic. Then again, she'd also heard the student body. Much as they admired Xinhua, their views on Meruin had been quite the opposite. As such, Lee had never had much of a chance to speak to Meruin except for a few words, and it was as if the gods themselves (or should she even thank them? Wasn't she a god too?) had heard some unsung prayer of hers and sat Meruin in front of them. At least, until Karen spoke up. Lee had to admit that she felt the girl's energy die down a bit, and she wondered if perhaps she'd pushed her too far with her teasing regarding Xinhua. That was, after all, why she'd began to keep a healthy distance between her and the Dragon Gods disciple. She didn't want to alienate herself from Karen even more, so when the girl requested they change seats, she reluctantly agreed. She gave Meruin a small smile, and apologized to the gods. Next time, she supposed. She'd try to humour Karen for now. [i]"I wonder what would happen if a Dragon God fought an Archetype?"[/i] Lee whirled around to look at Karen, then at Xinhua, and finally at Meruin. She could've called it intuition, knowing that chaos would happen next, but any person with common sense knew that. She watched warily as the people egged on Meruin, and despite not knowing much about the girl, she'd heard enough from her Master and her guardian to not poke a sleeping dragon with a stick. The others, it seemed, hadn't been taught that particular lesson. She tried pushing back Xinhua, to at least pull her away from what fight would ensue, but more statements were thrown insulting each of their masters. Electricity shot through her arm and she had to let go of her raging roommate, cursing in a language she didn't even know under her breath. Then there were talks of a duel, and no matter how powerful Meruin may be, she doubted she'd be able to handle her own against Xinhua in a head-on battle. To say that she was disappointed at her roommate's actions was an understatement. She pushed Xinhua towards a chair, not even caring if the girl sat or remained unmoveable as stone. [color=007236]"That was the most idiotic thing you have ever done,"[/color] was stated in an even tone, though the undercurrent of fear and worry resonated within. [color=007236]"Do you think it would be a fair fight? You think your victory will be satisfying?"[/color] Of course, that wasn't to say that she thought little of Meruin's abilities. From what the professors had told her, the sixteen year old was immensely powerful. Perhaps not as physically as Xinhua was, but in her own level. Magic, and whatever secrets the Archetype had showered upon her. It was safe to say that some of the worry and fear in Lee had to do with how her roommate and friend would manage in a fight against Meruin should pure combat tactics not work due to the sheer capability of illusion magic. [color=007236]"I do not approve of this,"[/color] she stated, not really knowing if her words would have any effect on her roommate. Without sparing Xinhua another look, she turned her eyes to Karen. No words were spoken, just a heavy look that she had only given the plague magi once - when she'd accidentally ruined her garden. With a sigh, Lee turned from her friends and walked over to Meruin, not sure if the girl's roommate would come to her aid. She settled next to Meruin, and placed a calming hand on her shoulder. [color=007236]"Are you okay?"[/color] she asked, a small smile on her lips. Not really knowing what else to say, she engulfed the girl in a hug. [color=007236]"Want to go sit there with me?"[/color] She was pointing towards an unoccupied table, a respectable distance from where she was just talking with Xinhua. [@TheHangedMan] [@13org] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@SlashInfinite]