[h3][center][color=a187be]~Viola Rifei~[/color][/center][/h3] [@SlashInfinite] [@TheHangedMan] [@Leoven] [@Riffus Maximus] [hr] Was...was she throwing that perfectly good lollipop away!? Blasphemy! Heretical blasphemy! A thousand curses upon Karen! She was nowhere near agile enough to be able to save the precious and delicious treat, but she could settle with glaring at Karen from a distance. She had to remind herself that sicking the poltergeists onto her roommates, would likely make Luna quite upset and her on the receiving end of 'discipline'....not that she particularly minded that, but she had better things to do than be lectured. So she swallowed her anger for now, sucking on her own and following after the group silently. Arriving at the train, Viola spotted one Meruin Hazy. She didn't know the girl all that well, however, she had heard the unkind rumors about her. She had never talked to her herself, but she Viola being who she was...was quite interested in getting to know Meruin quite well. She had to wonder how she should go about it, but for the most part she didn't say anything as they loaded onto the train, too distracted by the quickly dwindling sweet in her mouth. She did make a point to at least sit somewhat close to Meruin though, and perhaps the other mage would have seen Viola give her a quizzical look or two. And then they reached the mess hall. And a delightful game started in front of her. Viola watched the scene unfold in front of her, quietly finishing off her sweet as Meruin and Xinhua exchanged insults and the student body egged them on with insults. Truthfully, it irked her that everyone was so intent on making a scene out of this, but there was nothing to be done...so she might as well enjoy the oh so delightful chaos. It wasn't every day when one got to see an apprentice of a dragon and the apprentice of an Archetype fight so this was certain to be a grand spectacle. Not that she particularly thought Meruin could beat the dragon on her own, of course. She was pretty certain of the dragons strength...that said. It would certainly be fun if Meruin was capable of defeating her in some manner, wouldn't it? She pulled the last remnant of the sweet out of her mouth, a playful grin forming on her lips as it often did when she was planning something. [color=a187be]"Now now, Allen."[/color] She giggled towards her friend as he scolded the ladies.[color=a187be] "Don't dampen the delightful mood with your reasonableness. What is done is done, and what has happened has happened. So we might as well enjoy the festivities, no?~"[/color] This was interesting enough to put her own plans on hold for now. Just for a bit. She had something she wanted to do tonight anyways in the graveyard, something she wanted Strauss' help with, in fact. Just for a little bit of insurance. but for now, she walked over to where Meruin had sauntered off to, as well as Lee. [color=a187be]"I hope you don't mind the intrusion, Miss Meruin."[/color] She said, giving a small smile to Lee. [color=a187be]"It is a pleasure to finally be able to speak with you. Viola Reifi, at your service."[/color]