([url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/919]Serah's Parley roll = 6[/url])

The feline snorts as a grin that holds no trace of ambivalence creeps across its face. Its eyes are locked to the slab of food in Alexandria's hand, but it addresses Serah again in a voice that seems to be growing distant. 

[i]"I asked you once for food, with the promise of answers,"[/i] it says, with a sharp hiss. [i]"Now you want to reverse the bargain; answers before food? I could leap upon you and disappear with you in my jaws, before your friends may act, Wildcaller. It is only my loneliness and curiosity that demands I do you any favors at all."[/i]

The creature leaps down from the tree and steps forward casually, making no overt displays, but darting its eyes from the morsel to the barbarian, who it seems, would be all too happy to have another try at its life. It stops short of Serah, indicating a paw to the companions at her side. 

[i]"Your men do not seem all that convinced of this truce. Let them put down their arms, and then I will resume our talk."[/i] 

It looks sheepishly at the outlander, and the thief, who's bow is drawn. But then, a fierce gale rocks everyone assembled near off their feet, out of nowhere, and a haunting rhythm of drums, flutes and primitive instruments resounds through the clearing. It is wholly unlike Linoleum's merry tune and gong bashing; the sound can be felt in the soul, and its melody drips with venom.

The feline's face is no longer one of mockery, but of a genuine distress. It's eyes roll, revealing the whites, and its mouth is agape.

[i]"We resolve this later!"[/i] it shrieks. [i]"Follow me if you want to live, Wildcaller! Bring your fools!"[/i] 

Not waiting to elaborate further, it dives for shrubs opposite the unnatural din. The nausea felt earlier starts to return to your bodies, and the trees start to melt. In addition to the music, you can now make out voices speaking a language unknown to you. There is distorted laughter, clattering of chimes and bone, and the sound of many, many feet scampering through the woods.

Do you take your chances with the feline or attempt to brave the sickening onslaught?