[center] [h1] [color=fff79a]Viktor[/color] [/h1] [/center] There was something in Lee's smile, something in that girl that he hadn't perceived earlier. Gentle like the soft breeze, her smile shone as bright as the sun. It was a beautiful smile. Without any trace of malice, without corruption, only that beautiful and innocent smile. He got really surprised when she held his hands. [color=007236]"Unique."[/color] Many people turned their faces when they saw his hands, but that was the first time that someone actually said that they were interested on them. Genuinely interested, talking and looking them without disgust. [color=007236]"Does it hurt? Or when it was created? Did it hurt?"[/color] That sweet and innocent question made him think. He didn't wanted to ruin that wonderful smile telling her about what happened to his body. The only thing that he could remember about that time was an agonizing pain. Every inch of his body and mind burning with an unbearable pain. That thought made him lower his face, with a sad expression. He was about to give her an excuse when he heard the fuss about someone fighting someone. He watched, hopelessly as Xinhua without perceiving, worsened the situation. Everyone boasting and cheering for the two to fight. A Dragon God's Disciple against the Apprentice of an Archetype, both incredibly dangerous individuals. Why they wanted to see that badly a display of mindless violence? Couldn't they see that it was dangerous not only for the two girls who they wanted to pit against each other, but for them as well? The cheering and the provocations continued. Xinhua was losing its patience, and Meruin visibly snapping. The two girls were at their limit, the gossips continued. "If an Archetype and Dragon God fought, the Dragon God would disappear from the very face of existence," "A Dragon God is nothing more than a lizard in the face of an Archetype!" [color=fff79a]"Oh no..." [/color]Viktor said to himself, after hearing those words. "Now things will get very, very ugly..." he said, watching dumbfounded as the two girls traded insults, their eyes bristling with rage. He quickly stood up, the tension growing even more, it looked like a fight would start right there. Lucky for them, Xinhua proposed a duel. Breathing a little easier, Viktor relaxed. At least the other students stopped talking, or at least it was what he thought... A second later, a pandemonium started on the mess hall. Viktor was Worried about the two girls, worried that they could fight right now. Joining his hands and then opening them, a myriad of strings appeared, passing through the holes in his hand. Innumerable strings could be seen, moving, coiling around each other, in a chaotic dance. [color=fff79a][i]"This may help to calm things down."[/i][/color] he thought to himself, as he delicately started pulling the strings, the ones he selected coiling around others he moved near them. It was a simple knot, but it would really help on that situation. Thanks to Lee's magic, he had the idea of doing something similar. A light string was the first one, as he selected others, which coiled and tangled in it. First a green one, then a blue one, a brown one. The strings began to coil around each other forming beautiful patterns as he joined his hands again, making the knot disappear. Looking up, he waited for the result. A faint smell of wet soil was the first one. Very faint at first, it grew stronger, after a while, a smell of chamomile, lavender, lemon balm and other herbs filled the room. He inhaled it deeply, smiling, still looking up with his eyes closed. Walking towards Meruin and Xinhua, he said, loud enough to both girls hear. [color=fff79a]"There is no need to useless violence. Being a mage is more than just fighting."[/color] he said calmly. [color=fff79a]"Viola, please don't get things worse than they already are." [/color]he said, with a disapproving look in his face. Nodding to Allen as a sign of approval after he questioned the girls' actions Turning his face to Xinhua, he said to her after hearing Lee scolding the girl. [color=fff79a]"It wasn't only your fault Xinhua. Just be careful with your words. I know that you have your pride as a Dragon God's disciple, but you shouldn't act harshly. Remember that no one likes the wild fire, that burns and destroys everything that it touches, but everyone likes the warm bonfire."[/color] he said to her. [color=fff79a]"As one thing, allow me to ask you an important question: What are your plans for your life? What to you plan to do with your powers? Will you be the wild fire, or the gentle bonfire?"[/color] he asked, holding her hand and looking to her eyes. Walking over to Meruin, he said to her. [color=fff79a]"Meruin, you are a very intelligent girl. You know that just like Xinhua, you also have your pride as a Archetype's disciple, don't you?"[/color] he asked, kneeling near her. [color=fff79a]"I understand that you lost your calm after all that. And that wasn't your fault. You are proud to be who you are and there is nothing wrong with that. Besides being the disciple of the The Witch of Creation, you are a very dedicated mage. Certainly people will get jealous over that, and mistreat you. But you shouldn't treat them badly in return, or just isolate yourself. if someone threats you, give them a smile and a hug."[/color] he said, smiling. [color=fff79a]"Be yourself. You still are a young girl. Even if being an archetype disciple is a very big responsibility, you shouldn't stop to live your life because of it. Be happy, make friends, have fun!"[/color] he said calmly. [color=fff79a]"The world is already a dark place, if you stop smiling, the darkness will engulf you. So smile, ok?" [/color]he said, gently touching her nose. 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