[color=cornflowerblue] [center] [h1] Luna E. Prior [/h1] [/center] [/color] [@TheHangedMan] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@13org] [@Leoven] [@Riffus Maximus] [hr] Luna had casually offered the lollipop to Viola back at the dorm, though the disposal of Karen’s lollipop seemed to grab her attention. Just so, Luna did not react much upon the request of Karen, when she discreetly asked to sit somewhere else than next to Meruin. That girl was… despised by the majority of the students, to say it mildly. Whether it was because of jealousy of her, or due to her personality, Luna had not figured out. Perhaps it was a mix of both. Perhaps. She was not about to pretend to be innocent herself. Luna was not about to share a bag of her best tea with Meruin, at least not with that moody attitude of hers. The two briefly shared a gaze, Luna simply wrinkling her nose. The mess hall was a welcomed sight. The small sigil on Luna’s arm finally halted its golden glow, as they arrived on their location. There was so many new students, and while the group seemed to head off to somewhere specific, Luna’s attention was caught by food. Without a word she wandered off, on the brink of getting lost in this absolutely magnificent sea of glorious and spectacular food. And that was not even considered overestimating in her own opinion. Nonetheless, she barely managed to grab a bag of peanuts before a donnybrook was on the brink of breaking out. Naturally, she did not want to miss a thing. As she reached the gathered mob, the topic quickly became clear. Meruin and Xinhua was going off about the topic of a clash of titans; an Archtype against the Dragon God. Luna shrugged to herself, considering the scenario quite the sight, as she passively ate away at her peanuts. Her gaze quickly went to the little Karen, who seemed to stand there with a look of guilt. Perhaps she had sparked the conversation. Luna could not help but smile lightly at that. Poor Karen, who did her best not to get on anyone’s bad side. And just as it seemed Xinhua and Meruin was about to create another dimension in anger, a few individuals stepped up. Well, after the idea of a duel was brought up. Both Viola, Lee, Viktor and the newly arrived Allen Strauss came to calm the situation. As was most likely the for the best, entertaining as it might have been. Allen Strauss was quite the man. Around the campus he had gained the attention of admiring girls, and boys. Some simply enjoyed watching his failing (and sometimes successful) experiments, and some girls had fallen into an endless pit of admiration and love for the silver-colored man. He came off as arrogant to some, but as it was with most people, one simply needed to spend time with the individual to discover their true nature. Luna herself had had a few encounters with him over the years, and she would be a liar if she claimed she had never cracked a smile at the sound of explosions in the distance. And so she offered her familiar discreet wave as he approached. At almost the same instant Viktor began his preaching to the two angered tigers, trying to calm them. All of this happening while Luna was still just eating the peanuts. But by the time the talking had dulled down, she decided to speak up. [color=cornflowerblue] “Well, you lot certainly managed to make an impression on the newly arrived students.” [/color] Her voice hinted neither of approval or disapproval, simply of the plain tone Luna could speak in at times. She eyed Allen up and down for a brief second, before speaking again. [color=cornflowerblue]“You and Alec had an eventful morning?” [/color] Luna offered a teasing grin. While she had not spend much time speaking to Allen on his own, she had certainly developed a friendship with his roommate, Alec. The liveliness of the boy was a rather grand feature, and one Luna enjoyed spending time with every now and then. That was also her main source of Allen and Alec’s adventures, Alec always being so eager to tell of what Allen had gotten up to now, never holding back a jest. Luna’s gaze shifted away from Allen again, and back to the little Karen. She wet her lips, before gesturing the girl over. [color=cornflowerblue]”Karen, come here and try these. They’re fantastic.” [/color] Luna of course knew what Karen’s mind was going off about, and did her best at pulling her away from the spotlight. She could grow uncomfortable so very quickly. [color=cornflowerblue]”Lee. I know you aren’t fond of this. But, don’t you reckon they’ll be able to … uh.” [/color] She chose her next words wisely, in company of the apprentice of an Archtype, and the Dragon God disciple. [color=cornflowerblue]”To let off some steam? Might be stress relieving, and all that. I am sure I read that somewhere. And besides, if it’s within the grounds, no one will get hurt, mhm?” [/color]. She ended the sentence with grabbing another peanut, before observing the outcome of the scene.