After the last automaton had fallen, Sagax was surprised to find that when he turned to check on his comrades, very few of them suffered injury, mainly only Leif and Elmera. He himself suffered a minor flesh wound, albeit one to his head, which was probably getting more delicate by the day. If he remembered right, Leif knew Restoration magic, so the man could probably manage on his own, and knowing Leif he'd be more than happy to tend to Elmera. Can't fault a man for his helpfulness, though, no matter the origin or reason. Standing over the spider drone that attacked him, Sagax kicked the hunk of metal spitefully, sending the crystal on top scattering across the floor. He picked it up carefully, wary of the small, stray sparks occasionally reaching out. Sagax wasn't quite sure what to make of him it just looked like a small red sphere that hummed slightly. Deciding that maybe he could find someone knowledgeable in Dwemer contraptions later, the Imperial plopped the orb into one of his pouches. Perhaps it could fetch a good price somewhere? Following the rest of the party, he stopped suddenly, as did everyone else, when he heard voices down the way. Could they be foes? Maybe, though Sagax was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they were cut off from the exit by the machines? It was well worth a try to talk to the strangers, at least. Though...he wasn't quite sure how they would go about it. He looked to Do'karth, remembering his prowess in diplomatic speech. Or...was it another khajiit? No, no, definitely Do'karth. For certain. Even if he was wrong, though, it wouldn't quite matter, as everyone else was of the same mind as him. He watched Do'karth walk towards the group and attempt to make contact. Sagax jumped when he saw the arrows fly and...completely miss Do'karth. They missed? They missed! Ha! Losers! Under the command of the strange fellow in the orange robe, the enemy spelunkers began advancing on the unfortunate cat while their leader loaded up a dwarven crossbow. While Sagax had the utmost faith in his furry friend's combat abilities, he wasn't about to let him face them all alone. He recalled his failed attempt at a rallying cry back in the Falmer cave, but maybe he could succeed this time? It would provide a good distraction, if nothing else. Tapping Roze on the shoulder, he glanced towards her bow and nodded in the direction of the strangers. Now, naturally, there was only one war cry befitting a pureblooded Imperial like Sagax, even if he didn't agree with everything the man did. Readying his blade, Sagax breathed deeply and steeled himself for the charge. Just need them to get a little closer... "[b]FOR THE EMPEROR![/b]" Barrelling forwards to Do'karth's side, Sagax swung his shortsword low and to the right, aiming for the leg of the man to Karth's left. If all went well, he could down the lout and give him a healthy boot to the head to make him not as much of a problem. Hopefully he wouldn't take a bolt for his trouble...