Y'know, Raelyn has a valid point. Why did we not send the Red Shirt Bard who's whole thing is sweet talking people to to play with strangers? At least the mood music will help with the fight. [quote=@Aristo] 313 IC posts, 17 characters... I'm interested in joining, since the infrastructure is solid and the activity levels are high, but do I want to torture myself? :hmm [/quote] It's honestly not as daunting as it looks! Mister Frizan (Frizzle, if you're nasty) has been keeping an excellent running summary of the game's events going so far, and we've recently had two new players brought up to speed without too much hassle, as well as reintegrating a returning face. Don't worry, we're not going to force you to read the entire IC before you're allowed to join. We're evil, but we're not sadists.