[quote=@Aristo] That's good news! Hit me with a summary, I can take it! [/quote] You want a summary? YOU WANT A SUMMARY? I'LL GIVE YOU A FUCKING SUMMARY! [hider=Not a summary of all the copulating that has happened in Fruits of Contention] This whole thing started out in The Reach. The company was contracted for the removal of Forsworn from a redoubt. Despite a few causalities it was a roaring success. The redoubt is where we picked up Vurwe(then commandeered by Chrononaut). The company found some Forsworn cubs at the Redoubt as well. One was a dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scumbag,[s]like me[/s]but we caught'em. Decided to send them all to a safer place where they weren't as likely to grow into misanthropic sociopaths. After the mission at the redoubt was concluded, the company moved to Windhelm. A few members went their own separate ways during a stop at Rorikstead. Once the remaining mercenaries arrived at Windhelm, Ashav set up shop to try to get some fresh faces into the company, and he was fairly successful if I recall correctly. But everything changed when the Kamal attacked. Then the Kamal attacked, laying siege to Windhelm. A defense force comprised of battle-ready citizens, city guard, the White River Braves, the Dawnguard vampire hunters, and our company held the docks for a while, but a barrage of giant ice spikes forced everyone to retreat into the city. The kamal continued to blast the walls with missiles for a while, until they got bored of that and started sending corpses over the walls instead. Amidst the siege, the local Argonian population have decided it would be a good time to freak the fuck out and start a riot. Right, so, while the more combat-proficient of the company provided the guards with support regarding the rioters, a few others(Sagax, Tsleeixth, and an NPC guard named Frald) went to track down the Argonian Pakseech(local Argonian elder) to try and get him to calm the rioters down. When the aforementioned amigos found him, it was decided that Tsleeixth, being a fellow Argonian, would do all the talking. Through emotional appeal which then lead to the consideration of the logical outcome of trying to leave the city through conventional ways(that being certain death at the hands of the Kamal), the Pakseech relented and agreed with Tsleeixth that the riot would do more harm than good. The elder then gathered the Argonian population in front of Candlehearth Hall and commanded all hostilities cease. The streets of Windhelm grew quiet again. While all this was going on, Farid and Leif were attempting to cash in on a bounty, but instead of finding someone to put them IN jail, they were trying to break someone OUT. The "bounty" on this man's head was put there by a friend trying to get him out. The escape route that Farid, Leif, and Anders(the wanted man) took was through the sewers. As if simply being down there wasn't bad enough, the trio came across a crazed Argonian snake charmer. The witch got taken down, though Farid got poisoned by the stabby end of the charmer's instrument. He lived though. After getting out, Anders immediately shot for where he thought his friend was. The client that hired Farid was dead, killed by a Kamal missile that was hurled over the walls. In his boot was a key that opened a box. Inside was Farid and Leif's pay(well not really, it was meant for Anders, but ya know, details details), and a bit of paper. The paper documented several plans, including but not limited to, proposal to the high king for banning all intoxicants, the possibility of the construction of a Thu'um academy, and soul-trapping undesirables. The Black-Briars had contracted the Thieves Guild, of which Anders was a part of, to steal these documents, but Anders failed and was thrown in prison. Instead of handing it over to the Black-Briars though, Farid and Leif gave the paper to Ashav for review. Not that any of that would matter though, as the Kamal took no time in finally taking the city. In a strange display of honor, the Kamal commander sent a request for a duel to Windhelm's Jarl, Lodevemar. The Jarl accepted, and was unceremoniously slaughtered by the giant. As fired-up guards and citizens rushed out to avenge Lodevemar, the Kamal seized the opportunity and launched ice spikes straight into the gears of the open gates, jamming them. The Snow Demons charged in and began killing all resisters. Our company and several others escaped through underground tunnels, leading out into Anga's Mill. The bridge crossing a crevice before the exit fell, though, and many people fell straight to the dooms, one meeting their end by a dagger wielded by a certain someone. It only got worse after emerging at the mill, as the Kamal were already there, patrolling with mounts. The company and other survivors bolted into the woods, towards Dawnstar, and even more people were killed, including Utu-Ja, then-commandeered by Haeo. The survivors stopped shortly at Nightgate Inn, and continued on to Dawnstar, where the company spent the night. This is where Ashav met the company's benefactor, a Nord named Gustav. He was the client that hired the company for, and financed the Reach expedition and got the mercenaries a place to stay in Windhelm(it was a bare warehouse, but that's an aside). The Nord was allegedly guided by the words of a prophet who told of a great crisis in the future, and had used the Reach mission as a field-trial. The prophet then relayed that the first conflict would be in Windhelm. What Gustav did not know, however, was that the conflict would be headed by denizens of Akavir. Currently, Gustav is not sure of the next step to take against the invaders. In the mean time, while their benefactor waits for further word from his prophet, our company is joining up with Dawnstar sailors and the East Empire Company along with the Jarl and his men on a rescue operation to Winterhold. Another disaster struck the town, and it is no more, aside from the College, which has been cut off from the mainland due to the bridge collapsing. The way over was bumpy, but most everyone made it. Now on the 14th of Sun's Height, [i]The Courtesan[/i] floats near the College of Winterhold. Currently aboard are Dumhuvud, Leif, Sadri, Orakh, Rhasha'Dar, and a few sailors, who are fighting off Ice Wraiths after sailing over to a shoreline when they saw smoke rising into the air, denoting a fire and possibly a survivor. The rest, that being Sevine, Farid, Roze, Do'Karth, Ariane, Keegan, S'Riracha, Tsleeixth, Solveig, Sagax, and seven NPC sailors, went through the Midden after doing a bit of rock climbing to get to the College proper. After fighting off a bunch of glowing blue pokeballs, the rescue team ascended a ladder up to the College grounds. It was there that Faralda, the "acting captain" as it were of the College, explained the cause of the sudden storms and the destruction of Winterhold. A student had been testing enchanted telescopes, and it was with these that they spied ships of wooden, rectangular make, crewed by mages who would drained energy from odd vessals into the sky and oceans. This brought the landslide that sent the town into the sea. After a brief check of supplies and the well-being of the College's residents, the rescue team, along with the most injured of the College(roughly person one per team member), descended back down through the Midden and back to [i]The Courtesan[/i]. The rescue team got back to the ship to find they had more guests. After fighting off the Ice Wraiths, those that had remained on the ship discovered the source of the fire: An Azuran priest named Kattun and his Khajiit companion, R'ihanna. They were attempting to travel to the Statue of Azura, but the storm stopped them in their tracks. The Kamals apparently passed by their hidey-hole on their way to Windhelm, as the two were pelted with ice spikes when they went to hail some ships, hoping for a rescue. So that was that, rescue mission completed. Not. The storms only picked up as time went on, downright blinding the captains of the ships in the small rescue fleet, nearly smashing into one another several times. Unfortunately, all the manuevering in the world wouldn't have let them avoid the sudden iceberg that violently pierced the hull. They had to abandon [i]The Courtesan[/i]. Some of the mages on board did not wait, oh no, they hopped right into one of the dinghies and cut the rope, sending them down to the waters. This would be their end, as they had no experience with sailing of any kind, and the storm eventually overtook them, flipping their boat and drowning them all. This left only one other dinghy, and it could not fit everyone. After various nominations, the passengers were decided: Sevine, Solveig, Trius, Do'Karth, Rhasha'dar, R'ihanna, and the remaining mage boarded the dinghy and set off towards the nearby coastline. When they landed, they were warmly greeted by incredibly hostile Morrowind Armigers, who wanted to show the party their cool swords. One recognized Trius, and called him a traitor. As it turns out, Trius was once an Armiger himself, who left the organization after succumbing to regret over the things he was once made to do. Naturally, the Armigers were not too happy to see their old friend, and promptly lashed out with swords drawn. Fortunately, our shore party were no slouches, and they swiftly brought down most of the Armigers. Then, surprise of all surprises, a strange group of crimson-clad gimps jumped out of literally no where and killed their select few. The Dark Brotherhood almost lost their contract to some random band of mercenaries; how embarassing! Just as the youngest of the assassins killed his target, [i]The Courtesan[/i] beached along the shore. Kattun fell over the railing like an idiot and broke some things, while others intelligently used ropes to shimmy down the hull. Cat-Kicker, being who he is, marched straight up to the assassins and demanded to know why they were there. Well, obviously, they were there to kill the Armigers, though the why of it all was a mystery. That is, until, the Listener uncovered a bundle of paper from one of the dead Armigers. It was wirtten in Dunmeri, signed by the Nerevarine's War Ministry. According to the letter, those Armigers were meant to secure a beachhead and link up with their Akavir allies, aka the Kamals. The Brotherhood is no more friendly towards the Akavir invaders than the company is. Strange bedfellows indeed. Before the assassins left, one of them, Rhasha'dar's sister, gave the notes to her brother for possible use later. After the crimsonheads departed, the company helped themselves to the shelter and supplies secured by the Armigers and got a well earned night's sleep. In the morning, everything was packed up and the company would head back to Dawnstar on foot, as [i]The Courtesan[/i] was not seaworthy. The snowstorm only picked up from there, and the need for cover was pressing. Eventually, Do'Karth, who was at the front of the formation helping navigation, picked up the scent of fungus, and deduced a cave was nearby. This shelter, however, was no port in the storm. The clicking of mandibles and the screams of Falmer rang throughout the cavern; Falmer and their accursed chaurus pets. A couple of people got shot, others were almost Chaurus food, but eventually the company pushed the Falmer back enough for them to set up a temporary camp inside the cave. A few people were put on watch, and everything turned out just fine. Minus a minor poisoning, but you know, that's not important. When the company got back, they caught their first real break in weeks: A whalers' festival was being held in Dawnstar, a sight in stark contrast to the rubble of Windhelm and the endless tundra they had just crossed. Everyone had a good time and no one died. Not until the next morning, at least. After reading the news about the Ocrish assault on Dragon Gate, Farid flew into a rage and murdered Orakh, whom the leader of the assault(Orakh's successor) attributed his inspiration to. Detained by the leaders of the company, Farid would pay for his transgressions through combat. Ashav's champion: Daixanos. The battle was dirty and bloody, but Dax came out on top, burying his axe deep into Farid's chest. Farid was given a decent burial. The company then recieved word of three things. One: Forest fires had been raging in the Pale. These fires were not of the normal kind, though, as they occured at random, out of seasons, and they angered the Spriggans. Two: The location of a Dwemer ruin doubling as a sailor's hideout, Bthamz. Rumored to hold an ancient weapon storage facility, likely containing ballistae and crossbows, it was worth a delve. Three: It was deduced that the enemy Armigers originated from Bleakrock Isle, a garrison not used since the last Kamal invasion several eras past. The plan: Occupy the Bthamz, acquire the armaments hidden away inside, and sail to Bleakrock to blast the Armigers straight into Oblivion and take the isle for the company. The current parties are: Pale - Rhasha'Dar , Jorwen, Sevine, Daixanos, Mercel and Keegan Bthamz - Sadri, Tsleeixth, Roze, Do'Karth, Solveig, Raelyn, Leif, Elmera, Sagax The Pale party got fairly romped, but they pulled through and killed all the damn wolves and spriggans that were so rudely trying to get unsolicited blood samples from the group. In Bthamz, things went swimmingly, with only two party members sustaining serious injuries from the assault by Dwarven spheres and spider drones. And then Do'karth tried being nice and attempted to speak like a civil person to the other party wandering about in the ruin. He was nearly neutered for his efforts. Outside of Bthamz, the topside party led by Ashav and the [s]captain[/s]bitch lieutenant of the captain of the Kyne's Tear investigated another ship...only to be, you guessed it, attacked. [s]This is our story[/s]This is where the IC is right now, with everyone getting their shit fucked up.[/hider]