Robin was knocked of his feet by the gale, but he was more concerned by the bizarre music and ominous voices. When the trees started melting again and his nausea returned he nearly dropped his bow in shock. The only reason he managed to hold on was the fact that those voices probably weren't friendly. Of course a single arrow probably wouldn't be much of a detergent but it was better than nothing.

The fact that the feline ran didn't exactly surprise him but that several of his companions followed it, did. He didn't trust the situation as it seemed to much like an ambush. On the other hand if it wasn't, dealing with a large group powerful enough to create gales and either cast illusions or actually alter the Wilderdeep didn't sound like fun either.

In the end Robin decided to run as well even though it seemed to mean abandoning the strongest member of their group which would certainly serve to make things harder. He ran for the same shrub as the others and disappeared from sight.