At first, Allen did not notice because of the crowd that had gathered all around them, but after he had spoken, a few familiar faces popped out from the crowd. Friendlier people than the people that had poked the dragons to fight each other, or the Enforcers trying to beat the students back into a calmer state. Most had come to try and ease the tension that was much like surge of electricity preceding a storm. First was one of Xinhua’s friends, who was voicing her disapproval of the situation to her friend and went to see Meruin next to check up on her. The Elemental Mage believed he had seen her a few times around the campus, but never spoken to her in person. From the looks of it, her smell and just how close she always seemed to be to the forest and its denizens, Allen thought she was a druid, or at least someone connected to the natural world. There was even that one time Kyuu, Allen’s pet fox, ditched him in the middle of an evening walk to join her. [color=a187be]"Now now, Allen. Don't dampen the delightful mood with your reasonableness. What is done is done, and what has happened has happened. So we might as well enjoy the festivities, no?~"[/color] Allen recognized that voice and that playful giggle. Viola Rifei, someone he actually got to know more personally than others. While he treats everyone as a friend, Viola was someone who shared Allen’s passion for magic and thirst for knowledge. Both had gotten into troubles may more often than needed in the sake of exploring what the world of magic had to offer. Still, despite her attitude and some conflicting ideologies, she’s a good person, and a good friend. [color=6ecff6]“Hate isn’t something worth celebrating, Vi. I’m not against a healthy rivalry, but one born under the current circumstances often leads to no good.”[/color] Allen replied. Then came a face one would easily recognize, or rather a unique appearance. Very few in the campus were dressed in the way Viktor did, veiled from head to toe, all but his hands, which had peculiar gapes in both. Allen had seen the man “weaving” something from these hands, and albeit he hardly grasped the concept of his magic, the Elementalist had heard of some mages like Viktor. Dangerous individuals able to modify the very fabric of reality by manipulating “strings”. Rare, but often powerful mages who can lead to disaster if using their power in the wrong way. That being said, didn’t he leave the academy earlier this year? It has been about 4 months since Allen saw Viktor last time. The Elemental mage rarely spoke to the Weaver himself, but he was quite interested in speaking with someone wielding the powers to manipulate reality. Hearing out Viktor’s speech, Allen could but help but smile himself and returned the Weaver’s approval nod in a likewise fashion. Truly, the words of a good-hearted man seeking nothing but peace and welfare to his peers. Allen was a good diplomat himself, but Viktor probably could even best him in that regard. It was good to know someone holding the same beliefs and ideals Allen defended. [color=cornflowerblue]“Well, you lot certainly managed to make an impression on the newly arrived students.”[/color] Initially not recognizing the neutral-sounding voice, Allen recognized the woman that had spoken when she made a teasing jab at the silver-haired student’s rugged appearance. While Allen haven’t spoken much to Luna himself, Alec was a rather close friend to her. In fact, Allen would know basically next to nothing about her if it wasn’t for his roommate talking so much about her. At times, Allen wondered if his friend had a little something for the gentle-looking Chronomancer. He had teased Alec a few times about that, but the pyromancer always brushed the rumor off with a light-hearted laugh and a smile. [color=6ecff6]“You could say that.”[/color] Allen answered to Luna, chuckling as he dusted off some debris and mud off his bright fire red and orange cloak. [color=6ecff6]“Making fire rain down in a class wasn’t exactly the result I was hoping to achieve this morning.”[/color] he added. [color=6ecff6]“Ah well. Situation aside, it’s good to see you all this morning.”[/color] Allen in turn greeted to his fellow students. ---------------------------------------- [@SlashInfinite][@13org][@Rune_Alchemist][@Leoven][@TheHangedMan]