[@TheHangedMan] [@Letter Bee] As Charles followed Sergei he would watching their surroundings to take in the entire area. When they went to the train station, he would listen as Sergei explained the situation with the trains and nods, he'd look at the train with some slight noticeable interest though not for how it did everything but because of it being a machine. When they arrived at the Dorms Charles would look onto the buildings looking towards the tops, "bigger.. than... trees.." he would mutter out, he hasn't seen much of civilization thanks to his travels, he tended to avoid any area he didn't think was safe. He paid attention to the letter on the building they went in figuring he should commit it to memory. He would look at the elevator strangely when they got in it, poking it's side some as they went up wondering what it was. "magic... room.." he'd commit about it thinking it was some magic transporting room. He would look at the different doors throughout the hall indication the different rooms, with very slight wonder as to how many people actually live in the building. When he was handed the key, he'd look the key over for a few seconds before the sky would sink into his own hand absorbing it into his body for storage. He would look at Sergei as he explained the room's defenses ".....Safe..." he would mumble some "...room mates.." he'd say before looking around at the room as Sergei and Leo spoke. He had started to think about making a golem or two to guard himself but then remembered about the ward he was just told about and scratches back of his head unsure as to what he would really do in this dorm room let alone who his room mates was. He'd turn back to Sergei and Leo walking back over to them "..next.." he'd simply say.