[h3][center][color=a187be]~Viola Rifei~[/color][/center][/h3] [@SlashInfinite] [@TheHangedMan] [@Leoven] [@Riffus Maximus] [hr] Make things worse then they already are? Pfft, please. With her help, things could only get better! For whom they could get better for though, was a question she was going to let the others figure out for themselves. It seemed both Viktor and Allen had some amusingly [i]boring[/i] mundane thoughts. At least Luna seemed a bit more interested in seeing this through to the end. [color=a187be]"Hate? Please, Allen dear. I agree with Luna. Letting the two of them blow off steam is a good idea, and knowing Xinhua's temperament, I do not think she'll just back down,"[/color] Viola smiled and giggled softly. [color=a187be]"...at least, not without a lot of persuasion."[/color] What she meant by that, she didn't tell. It was likely something less than honest though. [color=a187be]"So wouldn't it be best to just let it happen and help where we can?"[/color] More importantly though, was Meruin. She didn't come over here for idle chatter. She had something she wanted to discuss with the mage. She offered her a small smile as she spoke. [color=a187be]"Now Meruin, nothing is wrong with losing your composure every now and then, especially after having your skill and pride insulted like that. After all, Archetypes [i]are[/i] stronger than a dragon would be, would they not?"[/color] Viola replied cheerily. [color=a187be]"Xinhua is just too prideful to realize that a [i]powerful[/i] and [i]clever[/i] mage such as yourself might actually pose a threat! I'm not going to lie, I would love to see her knocked down a peg or two, hehe. Arrogance such as hers is not becoming of anyone."[/color] Viola giggled lightly and leaned a bit closer to Meruin as Cheshire grin formed on her lips. [color=a187be]"Now, don't get me wrong. I think you are quite strong. You are the apprentice of an Archetype, are you not? Just because you dislike fighting for some silly reasons such as duels does not mean you are not strong. However...I would be willing to lend you my assistance in this matter if you want it."[/color] She reached into one of her pockets on her dress, a leather bound tome that seemed to be in extraordinarily good condition despite its old seeming age. [color=a187be]"Of course, since it is a duel my help is limited...but say, if you possibly wanted...to have a bit of help in the duel from someone I can arrange it. Getting help from...a spirit or two wouldn't be too much of a problem for I."[/color] Of course, summoning something powerful was outside the realm of possibility for her. However, that did not mean she couldn't have a bit of help from Meruin. As strong as she was supposed to be, it should be an easy task for the both of them, to rip a powerful demon from its place and form a temporary contract with it. With her knowledge of spirits and magic in general, and with Meruin's skill - they could probably summon something quite powerful. [color=a187be]"Granted I get something in return, of course. That's how these things work after all."[/color] She really hoped Meruin took her up on her offer. It would speed her own plans along quite well, and she'd be able to skip that entire business she was planning to have Allen's help with. Well, unless something went horribly wrong if they did this, but she doubted that would happen. [color=a187be]"So would you like to make a contract?~"[/color] Despite the innocent way she said that, there was a definite darker undertone to the words.