[center][h1]The Undying Crusade [/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/23/3a/e1/233ae116aa35ccedb7d7454d9189091c.jpg[/img] [/center] On the shores of the Bakan Sea, also known as the Swirling Tides, lies the great and once shining example of civilization; Aith Anur. Now, Aith Anur is known as the ”Shining Coffin” by those that traveled within the kingdom of Aith Anurs borders. After decades of silence following a arcane disaster, its Gates swung open to spew out a army of the dead and damned. Two subsequent wars where fought, one to simply survive as the neighboring Kingdoms lost ground to a sudden and undeniable threat. And a second war to drive back an even larger horde. Presently the three afflicted kingdoms of Operath, Naul Rahn are united as the Stalwart Alliance. After the Second War, now dubbed the “War of Perseverance” they have amassed their forces and planned meticulously for a reclamation campaign of the ruined and plagued countryside. With their moral at a all time high since the undying first appeared, they rally their troupe for a Crusade against the Undying. This is where you come in. Be you mercenaries from across the sea, from further down south or local talent that find yourself drawn into the campaign, you are under the command of Duchess Aina Stormsparrow. The Duchess made a name for herself during the War of Perseverance, and has been raising and amassing her own private army ever since. A Riverlander, she is one of the richest nobles to participate directly in the war. Her coin is good, her experience is commendable and she is well liked enough to be a very lucrative prospect for adventurers, sell swords and local would be heroes alike. And so, marching with the Duchess to lead you, you set off to help reclaim that which was once lost. Facing a enemy that has risen from the grave or come from the Other Side. May your blades be sharp, and fortune favor the bold and stalwart. [center][b]---------[/b][/center] This rp will be a dark fantasy kind of deal. It will deal with a lot of death and the risk of death as it were, and you cannot expect your characters to waltz trough battle. I aim to try and make it as atmospheric as I can, and as you are part of a bigger picture, you will not only have to deal with the dark and evil. But also with pain and suffering of trudging trough a hellish campaign with all the misery that it entails. You as players will be part of the crusade, and trough your actions make a name for yourself. This will then lead to varius scenarios down the road. Fame and reputation will actually be playing a rather substantial part in this down the road. I will also leave a lot of world building outside of the Three Kingdoms and the Undying to my players. I will not elaborate to much on the world outside other then the general sizes and climates of the different continents. I believe you as players should be able to craft your own backstories and come up with stuff without me choking you with to much fluff.