Name: Jason Steelflex Age: 17 Picture (Realistic Preferred): [img][/img] Godly Parent: Aphrodite Years at Camp: 0 Weaponry: Jason prefers not to fight, and in doing so is only well versed in a few weapons. From entertaining his friends at parties, Jason has impeccable aim with darts. Being forced to learn some close combat weapon, Jason knows basic sword play and would pick up a short sword if he had to, but would surely be bested by anyone who had any other sword training. Fatal Flaw: Really REALLY vain Special Abilities (Limited to 2): [b]Charming Presence[/b] [i]Jason's godlike beauty radiates around him and soothes even the most deadly of beasts and humans alike.[/i] Jason has an aura that captivates most mortals and keeps demigods relaxed, preventing petty squabbles or making people more reasonable to agree with. Once per day, Jason can increase the potency of this aura for 10 minutes. [b]With A Face Like This[/b] [i]"I mean, why would you even consider trying to mess up perfection?"- Jason, referring to his face.[/i] Jason can stop an enemy attacking him by charming them. (A flex, a pouty face, puppy dog eyes, etc.). The attacker stops what they are doing, puts their weapon to the side, and let's out either an audible "Aw..." or stands there jaw dropped for a couple moments. This effect is ended after about 3 seconds after the lowering of the weapon, when the target is attacked themselves, or if Jason himself breaks eye contact with the target. This ability can only be used within 5 minute intervals of himself. Other (Background information, etc.): Jason cannot touch a weapon, due to his peaceful transfiguration ability. Personality- Jason is a cocky, charming, and vain person who can rarely been seen not admiring himself in anything that can show his reflection. He rarely looks out for others but he does not search to exclusively undermine them. In his perfect world, all he would have would be a mirror and himself.