[center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Inn, F1 > F2 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@I-am-X][@Sen][@Takaru][/center] [color=slategray]"It doesn't look like they're hostile... I guess if we can avoid a fight, then we should"[/color], a logical conclusion. It was likely though whatever enemies were waiting here were in hiding somewhere... As he was thinking that, and they reached near the end of the area, wild screeching stopped them in their footsteps. They turned around and to their sides to see shadow monkeys, in fairly large numbers, and soon, there was one large likely leader monkey. After some grunting and pointing, they attacked. As they did, the women shadows in the hotsprings screamed and ran, disappearing into mist. [color=slategray]"I guess we'll clear them out... Megumi, do a scan on the big monkey. I'd like to figure out how we can make this quick"[/color], he requested. The rest? Do as they please until the larger monkey was scanned. [hr] [center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Cavern, F2 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@floodtalon][@enterthehero][@itano123][/center] [color=aba000]"Well you're in luck... You just might get to"[/color], Kami said, as they reached a corner. What he sees on around it, might be why he made the statement. As everyone managed to get around and peek out, they observed what looked like a shrine. There seemed to be quite a few enemies here, a lot of shadows, it almost looked like they were praying. [color=aba000]"Doesn't look like they notice us..."[/color], he commented, they could avoid them, but there was one problem. They were standing in the way of the only way through... [color=aba000]"We'll sneak around into position, and then wipe them out with a volley of spells"[/color], a sound plan. They were already grouped up, meaning area of effect spells would almost assuredly hit all of them. Kami made some hand signs and then began to move along the darkness of the cavern's walls, the idea was to surround, and then clear them out as quickly as possible.