[center][h2][color=FF0000]Mai Mei of Liang[/color][/h2][/center] Mai blinked blearily, letting her eyes adjust to the light coming from the weak morning sun filtering through the thin curtains that covered the window. She remained in bed for a moment longer, letting herself savor one last second of peace and quiet, before turning on her side to the ​clock that sat on the night stand next to the four-poster bed. Mai was pleased to find that it was still quite early, which gave her ample time to prepare for the day. She sat up, pushing aside the covers, and stretched like a cat. Mai stood up and padded softly over to the vanity in the opposite corner of the room. There, her belongings had already been carefully laid out the night before. She was pleased to find that one suitcase in particular had not been touched-it contained most of her ball gowns, and tucked away into the folds of the ball gowns were her beloved bladed fans and hairpins and parasols. Mai had by no means brought along her entire collection of them, but the small number she'd slipped into her suitcase would be enough for her stay in Aciras. Much like the day before, Mai had already planned out what she would wear weeks in advance. Mai brushed out her hair slowly and methodically, as she always did, and pinned it to the side while she focused on other aspects of her appearance. A pair of pearl studs went on her ears, and a black choker with a pearl pendant to match the earrings went around her neck. Mai procured a curling iron and carefully teased her wavy black hair into a vintage hairstyle reminiscent of 1940's Shanghai. It took a great deal of hair spray for her hair to keep its shape, but Mai was pleased with the final product. Mai arranged a few bobby pins with wickedly sharp ends into her hair, their presence swallowed up by the inky black curls framing her face. [hider=Hair] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/37/1f/cf/371fcf4bb316535817424eb94f81b4c6.jpg[/img] [/hider] Moving onto make-up, Mai's fingers hovered over the array of eye shadows, blushes, lipsticks, and eyeliner pencils neatly spread out in front over her. She began with a thin layer of foundation to cover up any slight blemishes on her face. Then came a light coat of blush. Mai tackled her eyes with a mascara wand and black eyeliner, brushing the barest hint of a soft black eye shadow over her eyelids. And last but not least-lipstick. Mai selected a deep, glossy red to match her dress. Speaking of dresses: Mai walked over to the closet, where she had hung up the dress she planned on wearing to breakfast the night before. It was a gleaming shade of red somewhere in between crimson and burgundy, made of taffeta with a skirt that reached just above her knees. It was rather simple, Mai had to admit, but there was a certain elegance in its simplicity. She donned the dress and surveyed herself in the mirror once more. Satisfied with her reflection, Mai put on a pair of black gloves that ended just below her elbows and stepped into her shoes-black high heels with a "bow" that wrapped around her ankles. She grabbed hand bag made of red leather "ruffles" and a parasol made of black lace, glanced at herself in the mirror one last time, and strode out of her bedchamber. [hider=Outfit] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Q5ausjY.png[/img] [/hider] Outside, both Ayreesha and Zheng were waiting for her. Both of them stood up at the sound of her arrival. Zheng opened his mouth to speak, but Ayreesha beat him to it. "Good morning, princess. Please, you must allow me to attend to you as you get ready next time," Ayreesha said. Mai gave her a gentle smile while her insides churned with suspicion. [i]What game is Casimir playing at?[/i] she thought. "I assure you, Ayreesha, there is absolutely no need for that," Mai replied. Zheng cleared his throat. "Princess. You slept well, yes?" He seemed uncomfortable with Ayreesha in the room, so Mai turned to the other woman and sent her away on some meaningless chore. With Ayreesha gone, Mai was able to speak freely. Zheng relaxed as well. "I slept well, yes. And you?" Mai answered, switching to her native tongue. "The same. How is Prince Niklas?" Mai paused. "He is...fine, so far. He is perfectly charming and flattering in every way, as expected." "Hmph. I see. I assume you know what's planned for today, Mai?" Mai rolled her eyes in a very un-ladylike manner. "Of course I do, Zheng. And I believe it is time for breakfast. Shall we?" Zheng gestured towards the door. "Lead the way." The two of them strolled down the elegant carpeted corridors to the dining room. As they walked, Mai couldn't help but to mentally wrinkle her nose slightly at the royal gardens that she caught a glimpse of from the window. [i]Oh, it's all very beautiful, yes, but it's so controlled. It's so very[/i] Western[i]. I'd much rather be in the palace in Peking, surrounded by the harmony between buildings and plants that my ancestors valued so much.[/i] The absurdity of criticizing architecture at an event of such a grand scale almost made Mai laugh out loud. She and Zheng soon arrived at the dining room. They were rather early, as evidenced by the fact that only Princess Raven Willow of Aciras and Princess Elizaveta Romanova of Noslainia were in the room. Mai smiled a greeting to her host as Zheng melted away from her side. Elizaveta was closer to Mai, so Mai decided to approach her instead. "Good morning, Grand Duchess. I do not believe I have had the pleasure of your acquaintance yet. I am Mai Mei of Liang, and it is an honor to meet you," Mai said in a pleasant voice, extending her right hand.