Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vezerath


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

~Rise of Dragons~

Plot: Many centuries ago, the human world became the object of interest in war between opposing factions of a species long revered for their unparalleled size, intelligence, and ferocity... Dragonkind. The Ravagers, dragons who believed that the existence of humanity and humankind's impact on the world threatened the survival of their species, found themselves locked in a near-constant battle with the Saviors, dragons who wished to defend humanity and sought peace with the young species. The Ravagers, headed by an infamously brutal dragon known as Blackheart, commanded her troops with an iron fist. She believed that, in order for her species to thrive, humans had to be removed from the equation. Despite BlackHeart's cruel nature, she gained an army of followers who agreed with her passionate message. However, a young dragon soon rose to oppose her. Known as Lyhra, this newcomer preached a message of peace with humanity, and managed to gain an impressive following as well.

The war waged for two centuries, with both sides sustaining heavy losses. Both original leaders, Blackheart and Lyhra, still stood, but the war had taken its toll on dragonkind; their numbers had been reduced greatly. In what would come to be known as the final battle between the waring factions, Blackheart, who had refused to accept the fact that her actions, and not the actions of humanity, were going to bring about the demise of dragonkind, was finally talked some sense into- by Lyhra herself. The realization threw Blackheart into an uncontrollable rage; she began attacking anyone that had the misfortune of being in her field of vision, including her own troops; and it became clear that rage had driven the Ravager leader mad. In a final act of selflessness and courage, Lyhra herself managed to engage the mad tyrant and lead her far away from the battle, where she could do no more harm. Lyhra was thought to have fallen that day... And Blackheart was never seen again.

With the loss of their leaders, both factions, Ravagers and Saviors, gathered to mourn; and a truce was made. Dragons would have no further contact with the humans, unless their species was directly threatened. And so, the dragons went into hiding. For five hundred years there has been peace.

Recently, however, peculiar rumors have begun to spring up... And it is possible that some dragons still lust for the blood of humanity, blaming the young species for the current reduced state of their own.

Could Blackheart and Lyhra possibly have survived? Are the two factions, Saviors and Ravagers, making a return? If the rumors are true...

Then the human world is about to become ground zero.

About dragons: (Important!!!)
General Info-
Dragons have been known to live for many thousands of year. A dragon is considered a hatchling from the time it is 0-40 years, a young adult from 41-200, and an adult past 200 years. At 2000 years old a dragon is considered an elder, and at 4000, an ancient. The longest-lived dragon was recorded to have died a natural death at the age of 8,384, give or take a few years. A dragon's natural armor cannot be pierced by human weapons. Bullets may scrape, but will not pierce a dragon's hide.

Dragon elements- Every dragon has at least one elemental connection that they are born with which determines their natural abilities. The elements include:
Earth (Nature)

A dragon may have up to two elements, and three primary "abilities." Your dragon's breath weapon does count as one of these abilities. Example: A fire dragon may have the ability to breathe a powerful jet of flame, to ignite their scales on fire, and to telepathically control the path of a wildfire. These abilities should not be too over-powered.

Dragon Ranks-

Leader (self-explanatory)

Second-in-Command: Appointed by the leader, in charge of the faction when the leader is away. Consults with the leader about important matters, such as battle-tactics.

Battleclaw: The standard warriors within the faction. Specialize in both physical, close-up combat and ability-based combat.

Spy: Agents who pose as members of the opposing faction, and occasionally report back to their true leader with valuable information. Spies are rare, and only the most skillful of dragons are trained to be spies, but they are respected greatly by their leaders. (I'm only allowing two of these. First come, first serve.)

Berserker: Warriors who specialize in physical combat and rely on brute strength and power to win encounters. Generally larger in size.

Hunter: Dragons given the responsibility of providing food for their faction. Generally smaller in size. In combat, they usually rely on their elemental abilities.

Healer: Dragons who care for the sick and injured of their faction. Greatly respected by the Leaders.

1) No god- modding, power playing, ect.
2) I don't care how detailed you get gore-wise, but fade to black if your character is about to do the dang.
3) Lets keep this role-play literate- use proper spelling and punctuation, and make posts at least 5 sentences long, please.
4) If you aren't going to be able to keep up with the role-play, please tell me. Don't just drop off the face of the earth and leave me wondering of you're coming back or not. Also, if you plan on going away, please let me know.
5) I reserve the right to reject your character application if you don't meet the requirements stated in rule 3.
6) PM me all character applications

Please use this format to create your character:

Faction: (Ravager or Savior)
Rank: (See rank information Above)
Element: (See element information above)
Abilities: (No more than three, I will tell you if I think an ability is too powerful. Please respect my request if I ask you to change it.)
History: (Optional, but recommended.)

Also: As of this time, I need someone to role-play Lyhra, the leader of the Saviors. Lyhra's character is open to interpretation, but in general, she is a compassionate, understanding soul and fiercely loyal to her comrades and her cause. Her scale color is either gold, copper, bronze, white, silver or a shade of blue, you decide. Her elements and abilities are also open to interpretation, but I would recommend the elements of light, earth, air or fire. If you would like to apply to be Lyhra, let me know! I don't bite!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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