[center][color=00a99d]Amalia Solair wife of Cuwarr [@Cubix] and sister wife of Kalani [@karamonnom][/color] [hider=Summary]Amalia is confused by Kalani's hostility and hurt by both her and Cuwarr's coldness. In reaction she closes herself off, retreating into her own thoughts to distract herself as they depart.[/hider][/center] The reaction of both Drakken and Gem was unexpected to say the least. Amalia was speechless as her eyes widened in shock. It was so much to process at once that she couldn't speak at first. The animosity of the Gem both confused and hurt Amalia. What had she done to deserve such a reaction from the fire-Gem? Amalia used the silence to go back over everything she had done or said in the girl's presence, but could think of nothing. Amalia had been taught to be forgiving and kind, to try and understand others without prematurely judging them (unless they were Drakken) but this girl Kalani was so hostile. And that was not the only sting she was to feel apparently, for both the bride and the Drakken lord made it plain that Amalia was beneath them. The Gem by her threats and the Drakken by his icy demeanor and by the obvious affection he showed towards Kalani, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Was this to be her life? Why had they chosen a second bride at all if they both felt this way? Amalia had been trained to be highly empathetic and intune with the emotions of those around her simply by being very observant. And she was certain that her apparent sister-bride fairly hated her and her apparent new husband only chose her because Kalani told him to. If he was swayed by her opinion so easily what would happen if she decided she no londer wanted Amalia around? Would she be tossed aside? Killed? Given to his guards? Eaten by his pets? Amalia turned her face away from both of them, not wanting them to see her pain even as the shimmer of tears glazed her eyes. It was more painful than if she had been claimed by an abusive husband. Now she was to live as an outsider, seeing affection showered on another while she herself was merely tolerated. The feel of something being put in her hair startled her and she flinched as if he had struck her. She turned her eyes to him briefly before quickly staring at the floor, even though neither of them would probably care enough to notice the hurt in them. It began instantly as Kalani was warmly embraced at his side while Amalia was left to walk alone surrounded by guards. He gave the order for one of them to fetch her things. She kept her gaze to the floor.[color=00a99d] "I have nothing," [/color]she murmured to the guard. Her parents hadn't thought it worth giving her things when her husband would either confinscate or destroy them, so they had told her. The carriages were waiting. Amalia merely nodded at the lord's words to them. She had already spoken too much. And from her sister-bride's reaction and treatment towards her Amalia was certain no words from her would be welcome. She would revert back to her training : only speak when asked a direct question and answer in as few words as possible. She retreated into the shell she had been raised to reside in. It was better this way. Perhaps, in time, their words and actions would not hurt her anymore. Getting into the carriage, Amalia made sure to sit across and away from the lord, giving Kalani the place beside him and sending them both a message : I know I am not wanted here and I respect the boundaries that have been laid for me. Perhaps if she did nothing to provoke Kalani maybe the fire-Gem would be kinder in time. It couldn't hurt to at least try. But Amalia couldn't help but reach up and feel the petals of the rose in her hair. She closed her eyes and marveled at it's softness, pictured in her mind it's vibrant color and beauty. A small, barely perceptable smile appeared on her lips as a look of peace came over her face. If a Drakken had access to such beautiful flowers, was it too much to hope that perhaps her new home would have gardens? That it would not be as dark and desolate as she had feared? When the lord spoke of cold Amalia shivered involuntarily. She was not used to the cold. The Solair Family's estates were in a Southern area that never saw cold. Her dress was made for the summer air of her home. It was fine silk, soft and thin. But she kept silent. A good wife never complained, her tutors had said. She turned her mind instead to wondering if there would be snow. She had never seen snow and wondered what it was like.