Roleplay Status: Closed

The nebula pendant has been in your family for generations passed down to the eldest daughter. You never saw it until your mother lay ill on her deathbed. Even then, you didn't know what it meant. With her dying breath she clasped it into your hand. "This is your legacy." She managed to make out before dying. Ever since you kept the pendant. It called to you in a way. It resonated with you. You had no idea what your mother meant. Perhaps if you had more time with her, perhaps if you had been a bit older before she died you might have learned the secrets but you had not. And then you were alone. An orphan child with no one to take you in.

And so you survived. How you survived, even you wondered that sometimes. Life was not easy in the kingdom. Bandits killing and taking what they want. Crew lords pressing urchins into their gangs only to betray them as needed. Men looking for pretty lasses for deeds unspeakable. But you survived. In fact, there was a hint of luck around you.

One time you had found yourself in a corner with no way to go, pressed up against a wall. Your three oppressors closed in. Even then you had been brave. You had pressed your back up against the wall and raised your fists. Then for some reason they fled, terrified as if seeing something behind you. But when you looked it was just your shadow.

Another time, you were running from the local guard. They almost had you when for the strangest reason an army of cats came out of nowhere and attacked them, allowing you to escape.

It was little things like that. Little thing here. Thing there. You never seemed to be cold. In winter, you always were warm. You could be bare foot and in rags but the cold never touched you. In the heat of summer you always had a cool breeze when you needed it most. Animals loved you. The alleyways were not as dark at night.

Even after you were finally adopted by a village couple. Taken in, you still had uncanny luck. The wash dried so much quicker around you. The garden flourished under your touch. You could start a fire in the wettest conditions. You never stumbled. Even when you got older and some of the village boys tried to steal kisses from you, you stay. In the night, they would lose you even though you could see fine.

Now did you even notice your luck? Most likely. You were intelligent to realize something was different. Did you know where it came? Whatever the case, others noticed. It wasn't very obvious at first. Maybe because for a portion of your childhood you were always on the move. It wasn't until after you had a new home and life that people started to notice. The very luck that kept you safe now alienated you. True, your adoptive parents loved you but they were just two in a sea of voices that feared you.

Soon it was hard to walk through the village without others avoiding you. They didn't confront you - no. They feared what might happen and feared whatever was protecting you. Then it happened. John, the Butcher's son, tried getting you away in the woods. You escaped but he remained lost in the forest for three days before stumbling out rambling about darkness and bears. After that their animosity increased. They no longer just avoided you. They avoided your family. They ostracized you all. That was when you realized you wouldn't be able to stay. You wonder if you will ever belong.

Hey all!
Thanks for reading.
Re-adjusted my other story for this idea.

First off though:

Still interested? Great!

So - I'm really looking for one individual (again 18+, preferably female) so I might be a bit picky.
Therefore, this might not be first come - first serve. We'll probably chat briefly and make sure we both have the correct understanding before making the decision to move forward (or not). Please don't feel bad if it doesn't work out. You are still a wonderful person :)

Writing samples are always fun (and I can submit one if you'd like) but it's up to you. Though note - I might go check out your writing on current RPs. It's not that I'm stalking - think of it more openly spying :)

Overall, I'm looking for someone who enjoys writing, has some great ideas, and is fun.
If you're interested send me a PM and we'll see what comes of it