[quote=@NeutralNexus] [@Abandonedintel] Wait what? Where are you going? I have made a post, on the last page...late as usual, but better late than never! [/quote] Intel is having issues with the rp's pace, lack of linear plotline and over all chaos. He feels that a sandbox rp might not be the right environment for him and instead of being miserable and sticking through it, he decided to move on. However he will be contactable via chatroom when you mention him. As I've learned in my experience, some types of RPs aren't always suitable for some players and I believe this is the case with Intel, which my motto is this: if you're not having fun, it's best to exit the rp and move on than make yourself, and likely others, miserable by trying to stay around. Especially if it's to prevent letting them down because in the end, you're only hurting yourself the most and not even your friends would want that.