[b]Akane Hanazawa // Sapphire Inn - F2[/b] Sunday, July 5th, 2015 Their timing is as perfect as always, as the moment Rui said it, the enemy made it's move. Well, it wasn't the 'passive' women shadows, but a gang of monkies instead. [i]Monkies and hot springs....are we stuck in some cliche ecchi anime or something?[/i] With a sigh, she lifted up her katana and assumed her battle stance. Before making her move, she called forth Setanta and casted [b]Matarukaja[/b], raising the teams defense. Usually primates are usually depicted in games and what not for having a good deal of attack power, so until Megumi gets a better read on the monkey leader, Akane figured she'd remain cautious until they find out for sure. Never underestimate an enemy until you're sure of all they can do. With that casted, katana in hand, charged towards the nearest monkey, taking advantage of Sato's as they were thrown into confusion.