Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My name is Rhythmloid but you can call me Rhythm!
I'm new on this website but not to roleplaying!
I took a break from roleplaying for a couple years so now I'm trying to re-learn everything!
I'm not picky about my genres of roleplay. Just as long as the story is intriguing and I can follow along I'll be good!
I write pretty descriptively so don't feel like you have to write as long as mine! I just don't like one-liners.
I also prefer one-on-one roleplaying.
Oh, I hope I'm not being too picky @~@
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Shoryu Magami π”Šπ”²π”žπ”―π”‘π”¦π”žπ”« 𝔬𝔣 𝔄𝔰𝔠𝔒𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Welcome to the guild.

Being picky is crucial to being true to yourself, so good work on that.

I can definitely relate to the whole "being very descriptive" thing; far too many so-called writers on role-playing forums complain about the overtly severe walls of text I can sometimes dish out at people (we're on writing-focused websites, so they can get over it and learn to read), whether it be in the actual role-plays or during an OOC discussion thread. It's severe enough that I think one of the reasons my posts don't get a lot of reception is because a lot of people simply don't bother reading through them all; when it's not a simple matter of popularity contests thanks to me being largely an unknown person here at any rate.

Nevertheless, don't let my words dissuade you; plenty of role-players here are happy to read large and descriptive posts, and while one-liner posts do occur I don't think you'll have a difficult time finding people who cater to what you want, especially since there seems to be a lot of 1x1 role-players here.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Welcome to the Guild!
Glad to hear that you're giving RP another go. ;) If you have questions, looking to RP, or just wanna chat, feel free to hit me up.
See you around!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah I know how long my writing can get, so I try to keep it to 1 or 2 paragraphs to try and keep the roleplay going or to keep the person interested. And I don't like having too many people in a group roleplay because my brain can't comprehend what everyone is saying and who is talking to who and blah, blah, blah...

I think a hard part for starting out for me would be finding someone to actually roleplay with. I've been told that I'm very hard to approach for some reason. I try my best to be as approachable as possible but I guess it doesn't seem to work. Any advice on that?

(Well I feel at home already! There's people actually talking to me!)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Shoryu Magami π”Šπ”²π”žπ”―π”‘π”¦π”žπ”« 𝔬𝔣 𝔄𝔰𝔠𝔒𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Since @NekoMizu isn't currently around to do this, I'll let you know that if you want a specific person you're talking to or about to get a notification about it then use the [@Mention] feature on the bottom right corner of that person's post. You can also type it out using the code I just gave you but replace "Mention" with their username.

Well I approached you, and people often find me unapproachable too (due to my dignity and confidence being a little too much for a lot of people to handle, resulting in them trying to pass it off as "hubris"), so I can relate to that problem. I'm not currently role-playing myself here, for a multitude of reasons, but my first question is this; do you have a specific type of role-play you'd like to take part in, or do you not have anything in particular in mind?

If it's the first of those things, post up an interest check of your own for it.

If it's the second of those things, look around in the interest checks available and see who's currently taking in people.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@shoryu magami
(I can now see that being on mobile is going to be a pain and thanks for the tip)
Thank you so much for helping! I'll try my best! I hope that all goes well!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think a hard part for starting out for me would be finding someone to actually roleplay with. I've been told that I'm very hard to approach for some reason. I try my best to be as approachable as possible but I guess it doesn't seem to work. Any advice on that?

I've only met you, yet I find you quite darling. ;) Just remember that kindness and confidence go a long ways, dear friend. Be open and friendly, and don't be afraid to speak out. Also, keep in mind that there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence, with the latter giving nod to humility. Just have fun, friend. Make jokes, tell stories, and have a gay ol' time!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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NekoMizu The cat

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Shoryu Magami @Rhythmloid
Yeah, sorry I wasn't here it got boring with nothing happening. It's been that way and only during the weekend which I find weird. I actually have an idea, but it may be dumb. A mobile friendly version of the site. Which the idea came to me since a lot of people use their phone for this site and (on my phone at least) I don't have a very mobile-friendly design, but it becomes what seems to be mobile friendly when I shorten the browser a bit while playing osrs, so it seems very easily accessible. Which is why I don't understand the fact it's never actually been done.

Instead I get a small view of everything that I have to zoom in, in order to see anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Shoryu Magami π”Šπ”²π”žπ”―π”‘π”¦π”žπ”« 𝔬𝔣 𝔄𝔰𝔠𝔒𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There's also a fine line between humility and self-deprecation; the latter which often ruins people and those around them.

Just thought I'd point that out.

No problem at all. I'm aware you might not be able to see it from a mobile, since a few people have this problem, but if you check my user bio (somewhere near the middle or bottom), you'll find a section devoted to OOC threads. If you look there you'll locate a hang-out thread which I run. You're welcome to post there (as is anyone who doesn't decide to give me problems); I use it to build community and also to help my friends and associates out with any problems they're having. It's the easiest way to get my attention if you need something.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You all are so helpful! Thank you so much! I think I'm going to feel right at home! I also do hope that my iPad doesn't screw this up.
@shoryu magami @fubsy @NekoMizu
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Shoryu Magami π”Šπ”²π”žπ”―π”‘π”¦π”žπ”« 𝔬𝔣 𝔄𝔰𝔠𝔒𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think you're doing fine so far.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thanks! Now it's time to actually go out and talk to people! My worst nightmare! @shoryu magami
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Rhythmloid Welcome to the Guild! Best of luck on your endeavors and may the RP hype be ripe. Have fun! :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Now that you're at home, lets get down to business.

First question. Where's your soul?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Welcome to the Guild, btw.
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