[quote=@KaiserElectric] Bada bing bada boom [hider=Blue Dragon] [b]Character you have created:[/b] Han Xia Wei / Viola Giordana [b]Alias:[/b] Blue Dragon [b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] [color=DarkCyan]Darkcyan [/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Identity:[/b] Secret [b]Character Personality[/b]: Graceful, dignified, and enigmatic, you would never guess that Viola wasn't actually human by looking at her, and not just because she's had so long to perfect her shape-shifting. Never one to stand in the spotlight herself, at least not on her own, Viola tends to take a more subtle approach to problems, using her influence, wisdom, wit, and occasionally her fists to nudge things in the right direction, or to help someone she believes is capable of fixing a crisis to do the right thing. She has a very positive view of the race that has unwittingly adopted her, and she sincerely believes that humanity is capable of greatness if given the opportunity. Her offhand approach to problems has gotten her in trouble, and she has often regretted fighting for a good cause under less capable leadership when she could have taken the reins, but she has held fast to her belief that humanity is essentially good and that they need to lead themselves. That being said, she does love to dabble in human culture and technology. She's tried to get close to important historical and scientific events with varying success, and she's sampled a bit of culture from everywhere she's been, regarding such esoteric subjects as Roman sculpture and classical music to be just as influential and fascinating as things like comic books and 80's hair metal. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [hider=Vi's Natural Form] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cb/cd/6c/cbcd6ca40bb7865504edb06d73a7e459.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Vi as Ayda ibnat Salnam al-Farsi, circa 1190 AD] [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/22cd/th/pre/i/2015/125/d/1/xola_commision_by_zano-d1pi019.jpg[/img] [/hider] Viola's true form is that of a mermaid- or naga-like alien creature, standing about eleven feet tall. Needless to say, she usually spends her time disguised as a human, commonly looking like her persona in 1190 as seen above. Nowadays, she's adapted the armor as seen above with modern materials and a more bluish color scheme to serve as a superhero outfit. She's also included a [url=http://img15.deviantart.net/7a52/i/2014/211/6/0/helmet_by_xxxhaozhuangxxx-d7swi8e.png]helmet[/url] gifted to her by an emperor of the Tang Dynasty, similarly reinforcing it and adding a face plate over the mouth to hide her identity a little better. [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Viola, as she currently calls herself, was born not in Italy as she currently claims, but in China during the height of the Han Dynasty. Delivered as an egg by persons unknown to Emperor Wu of Han, the creature hatched around the year 99 BC and was initially decried as a monster. While the court advisers suggested that the creature should be disposed of, the Emperor rejected this advice out of pity or perhaps generosity and kept the creature around. As it matured, it became clear that she was just as intelligent and capable as any human, and the Emperor took the creature into his family in secret to raise her. Named Han Xia Wei by the emperor's favorite son, who also liked to nickname her after the Azure Dragon based on her appearence, the creature soon learned of her shape shifting and incredible strength, using the latter to take on a human appearance in public. Aging far more slowly then expected, Wei was still just a child, albeit a mature and well-educated child, when the Han Dynasty collapsed and the Three Kingdoms period began in 220 AD. Disguising as a human with a new identity, Wei gathered a few friends from the old Imperial court and set out to explore the world. Taking on many names and faces over centuries of history, the girl who would be today known as Viola traveled across the world, witnessing the rise and fall of empires and the discovery of fascinating technologies and new forms of art. Making sure never to bring too much notice to herself, she helped others to flee the sacking of Rome, fought in the armies of Saladin during the Fourth Crusade, explored Italy and Venice at the height of the Renaissance, and surreptitiously joined expeditions to explore the New World. Over this time, she also began to establish her own fortune, adding treasures and wealth to her stockpile in one life before willing it to her next one to build up some more. In time she turned her treasure trove became a business enterprise, and as the world became smaller and industrialized she began to use this wealth to benefit others as a businesswoman while still taking time to explore the parts of the world she hadn't seen yet. Today, she is living as Viola Giordana, the owner of the Italian company AzurCorp which is currently making land purchases and deals to begin expanding into the United States, a process which she is personally overseeing. As for her being a super hero, it was never her first idea. She had on occasion done good deeds in a makeshift disguise before superheroes and villains became prominent in the world, but never often enough that she needed any sort of special identity. Ultimately, she decided that she needed to help protect humanity more then she needed to hide from it and began to craft a superhero identity for herself, to serve not just as a soldier but as a mentor and a protector for those who needed it. And thinking back to her days in Han China, and the emperor's son calling her the Blue Dragon, that superhero identity was all too obvious. [b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] Shapeshifter/Muscle [b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b] City Level [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] Shapeshifting: A natural ability of whatever species she is, Vi has the ability to change her form virtually at will (see weaknesses). Honed by centuries of practice, Vi can freely change from her natural form to her human form and change minor details about her appearance. However, she is limited to a generally humanoid form, meaning she can't take the shape and appearance of objects or non-bipedal animals. Superhuman Strength and Endurance: Though she may not look it, Vi's alien biology has granted her an incredible amount of inherent strength and endurance. She can lift up to 60 tons quite easily and her punches can open holes in metal walls and launch cars quite a distance, should the need ever arise. Her body is also incredibly durable to most forms of conventional attacks, able to take on punches, blades, and even conventional firearms with little to show for it except an annoyed space alien who can launch you across the room for your troubles. Several Lifetimes of Knowledge: In her impressive lifespan, Vi has picked up quite a few techniques and bits of knowledge from across human history. She's familiar with several forms of martial arts and combat, and is as skilled with a blade as she is with hand to hand combat. She's also well-versed in a variety of technical skills (though she prefers cultural knowledge to the scientific) and can speak nearly a dozen common languages, and a few dead ones, fluently. [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: Varies, normally 6 ft. 1 Weight: A lady never tells. Strength Level: 60 Tons Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30 MPH Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 Hours Agility: Peak 'Human' Intelligence: Genius Fighting Skill: Mastered [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Very Large [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Vi's superhuman endurance does have a specific vulnerability to one known material: meteoric iron. Making physical contact with the substance will burn her skin, and weapons made from meteoric iron will harm her just like a normal weapon would hurt a regular human. [b]Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):[/b] (To be filled in and discussed with other RPers, for reasons) [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ToRg3uK.gif[/img] [/hider] [/quote] Blue Dragon is appproved