[h2]Mako Moritomi//Sapphire Inn, Cavern, F1 --> F2[/h2] [h3]Sunday, July 5, 2015[/h3] ==~== Mako grimaced as he noticed the large amount of Shadows on this floor, though he was thankful they weren't attacking them. Yet. Still, the praying seemed a bit off- what exactly were they doing it for? Were they preparing something? Perhaps empowering some other entity in the dungeon? Whatever it was, Mako didn't really care too much. All he saw was a target-rich environment. He pulled the hatchet from where he stashed it on his belt, getting it ready. Spells were all well and good, but in case some of these Shadows survived their initial onslaught, he should be ready to get up close and personal. Without a word, Mako crept along the outside of the group of Shadows, trying not to spook any of them. He prepared to fire off an Agidyne (no pun intended) once Kami gave the signal, and then tensed in anticipation, ready to start knocking heads together.