[center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Inn, F2 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@I-am-X][@Sen][@Takaru][/center] The fighting continued on as swarms of monkey shadows were cut down. Rui was keeping the shadows from overrunning them while everyone else tried to get some damage down on the monkey, but as soon as their attacks would land on the larger monkey, they would notice a sort of effect emanating from it... [color=magenta][i]"It's weak to fire, and lightning, but... There's a strange veil around it, it's not visible to you guys though, but this veil is healing it's wounds and keeping its weaknesses from working",[/i][/color] it's probably another one of those things huh? [color=slategray]"I see..."[/color], so this looked difficult, for now. [color=magenta][i]"I've confirmed that the shrine that the other group has run into is linked to the veil, likely once it is destroyed, the monkey can be taken down"[/i][/color], the sooner the better of course. [color=slategray]"Understood, everyone hold your ground"[/color], he said, as he motioned to go into a tighter formation to make it easier to outlast. The swarms weren't going to end, so the best they can do is survive and wait. [hr] [center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Cavern, F2 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@floodtalon][@enterthehero][@itano123][/center] [color=aba000]"Now!"[/color], Kami let loose a Mazionga as everyone else piled their spells on. He directed Mako to aim the Agidyne at whatever was survived the original volleys. As expected, their move cleared out almost all of them, and amidst the confusion he led a charge right in, to strike down whatever was left with their own weapons. The shadows did attempt to fight back, but they were in disarray and somewhat damaged already, making it easy. [color=aba000]"Alright, now we clear the way, destroy the shrine"[/color], he ordered in quick succession, summoning Zeus as it went to strike it down.