[CENTER][u][i][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/154221-that-which-lies-beyond-the-gate-a-fantasy-adventure-rp/ooc]Official Interest Thread Here[/url][/i][/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AvfShX0.jpg[/img] There exists a world of magic where the impossible does not exist. In this world lie the secrets to eternal life, endless power, and unfathomable riches. Anything you want to own can be obtained; any sight you wish to see can be seen; anything you want to do can be done. The only thing impossible is the very idea of impossibility itself. The way to this world is hidden. Of course it can’t be that easy to find, given what lies within. Legends tell of a gate guarded by a lone sentinel, a giant crafted from stone and brought to life by magic. He keeps an eternal watch over the gate, stopping those who would come to the world with intent to cause harm to others. If one can gain the gatekeeper’s approval, the gates open to reveal an ominous blackness, as if all the light shining in from our world was absorbed into it and put away. If one has the courage to step into this murky blackness, it is said they will be brought to verdant forest. Behind them will be no signs of the gate they passed through. You cannot return through the gate. But of course, anything is possible. That which you seek, no matter what it is, can be found. Power, riches, magic, an exit? Anything you could want is at your disposal. And if one were to return to our world with the magics they acquired there… well, let’s just say they might be the most powerful person on the planet. This is a fairy tale. Do you believe in fairy tales? Kieran Woolf does. Many laugh at him, a grown man, for trying to find this magical world of wonder and adventure, they ridicule him for holding these childish beliefs. But regardless, he goes on searching. After all, what matters of petty words when a world of adventure is at your fingertips? He has been searching for the gate for years, and he’s finally found it. He’s gathered a group of adventurers with one similarity: a yearning for something this world cannot offer them. It matters not what it is, it only matters that they are unsatisfied. Unsatisfied and willing to go forth into worlds unknown to satiate themselves. Kieran has come seeking that which lies beyond the gate. He will find what he is looking for, or he will die trying.[/CENTER] [b]Character Sheet[/b] [HIDER][b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Goal:[/b] What are you searching for? [b]Skills:[/b] 3 points to distribute, 1 point is equivalent to 1 skill (ie, 1 point goes towards knowing swordsmanship, 1 point goes towards crocheting cute little hats). You can have 3 skills, or stack them up (2 points in swordsmanship for better swordsmanship). You will get more points later. Don’t worry about getting a direct translation of ability (how much better is someone with 2x Swordsmanship as compared to 1x? or 0x?) as they are all relative terms and give you greater chances of success rather than the ability to attempt something in the first place. [b]Ability:[/b] To be assigned. [b]Inventory:[/b] Things of importance (idgaf if you have a picture of your dead best friend that gives you strength in these troubled times) that you start with (like a sword if you’re a swordsman—gotta have one of those) or find along the way.[/HIDER] [b]World[/b] [HIDER]To be discovered.[/HIDER] [b]Example Character[/b] [HIDER][b]Name:[/b] Kieran Woolf [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/BDFBF0r.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [b]Personality:[/b] Usually friendly, goal driven. Prone to bouts of whimsy. Doesn't respond well to people that disagree with him, doesn't take any bullshit. Cares little for things like status or talent or other normal measures of a person's worth. [b]Goal:[/b] Its a secret! (Your character sheets can't have secrets, you have to tell me!) [b]Skills:[/b] 1x Hunting 1x Tracking 1x Fishing [b]Ability:[/b] Umbramancy [b]Inventory:[/b] [List][*]Bow and quiver of arrows [*]Fishing pole and other necessary fishing accoutrements [*]Skinning knife.[/LIST][/HIDER][hr] Hey. Bing here. I thought an adventure-style RP would be neat, rather than straight beat-em up. And what I mean by that, is I’d like to see something that rewards more than just combat skill (maybe you want to be really super good at disguising yourself, or tracking people, or crocheting cute little hats) and that attempts to prevent character optimization via randomization of abilities. How will that translate to a role play setting? Well, here’s the skinny: You will be among Kieran’s happy adventuring troupe. Once you enter this magical realm of kickass magical magic, you’ll receive an ability. I’ll either give you something I think is neat, or just go to a random power generator. What that ability is, you’ll have to figure out. Some will be obvious, others probably less so (I dunno, they’ll be randomized, so maybe they’ll all just be something like “You just shot lasers out of your eyes, I wonder what your power is”), but regardless, I’ll be giving you hints and stuff so you can work it out and whatever. As far as a stat system goes, I’ll be giving you points to put into traits and abilities and stuff. Like you could have one point in swordsmanship, another in horsemanship, another in swimming, another in whatever, you get the idea. I’ll try to provide challenges that require more than simply brute forcing your way through things (perhaps only someone particularly good at tracking will notice the trail they need to follow, et cetera), which means a bunch of player character interaction will make things easier—and since it’s an adventure-type story, that should be the goal… to be driven by characters experiencing an adventure. Ya dig? There won’t be a need to put points into the abilities I give you, as I’ll be gauging the power of those myself based on time, times used, et cetera. I just kind of want to see if anyone cares about good-old Bing's crappy ideas since I’m like super ******* bored. If anyone does care, ask questions about anything. I've got some answers, and questions will help me make answers for questions I didn't even know were there to be asked (I'm quite shortsighted). And yeah. If no one cares, kfine. Just gonna cry myself to sleep. No biggie.