Hello There! I'm on the hunt for new RPs once more! Rules: 1. I don't do any NSFW scenes. That means no sex, no extreme gore, nothing like that. It just doesn't appeal to me. 2. If you want to do a vampire RP with me, at least make it interesting. I get so tired of vampire RPs because it's always the same. 3. I always play male. I can not accurately portray a female, and therefore do not attempt to. 4. I'm open to MxM or MxF pairings in both romantic and non-romantic ways. Now to the lists: Currently craving: MxM RPs. Plots: (Either MxM or MxF) [hider=Dragon Lords] Dragon Lords are people who can become dragons, who can physically alter their shape. They share a soul with a dragon, and can alter their form between the two. However, if they stay in the dragon shape for too long, the dragon becomes dominant, and they can never return to their human form. The Dragon Lords are diplomats, they are highly intelligent, and can be unbiased in their opinions. Because of this, they can be asked to travel the world to give advice, and counsel. But they can also be targeted, trapped and even killed to give someone an advantage. 2 young Dragon Lords are sent on a mission to the Senate, however when they get there, they realise they weren't told everything... [/hider] [hider=Enter Enigma (Pokémon RP)] Team Enigma is the new big bad on the seen in the (preferably Hoenn, but open to others) region. Their ultimate aim? World domination. They believe that by collecting and controlling all the legendary pokémon, they can control the world, reaping all the benefits it has to offer. The shadowy leader of Team Enigma seems to have his own agenda, however... [/hider] More to be added. [b]MxM Pairs[/b] (all of these are romantic or not): Best Friends Step Brothers Camp Roommates College Roommates Prince/Servant Prince/Prince (opposing kingdoms?) Mage/Normal Human Mage/Mage Werewolf/Human Vampire/Human Gifted/Human Gifted/Gifted Werewolf/Vampire [b]MxF Pairs[/b] (again, romantic or not): Best friends Step brother/step sister Prince/Servant Princess/Servant Mage/Normal Human Werewolf/Human Vampire/Human Gifted/Human Gifted/Gifted Werewolf/Vampire [b]Fandoms:[/b] I don't usually do things from fandoms, and I will ALWAYS play an original character, but if you wanna try for something, the following are ones I'm interested in: Harry Potter Doctor Who Pokemon Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments