[@Bing] Alright how about this time? [hider=Wick Ver. 2][b]Name[/b]: Wick [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: 6 feet tall, and somewhat thin, Wick is a disgrace to her kind. He's often looked at strangely for wearing some sort of costume, one with a mask that has horns, eye slits that are shaped as crosses, and a carved smile. He wears a cloak to expertly hide his torso and long hair, as well as a few hand-held items. [hider=Masked Appearance] [img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/7f3f/th/pre/f/2016/007/c/1/c18c784f81c48e076e4c92f76f135b50-d9n2a7r.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Unmasked Appearance][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Haku.(NARUTO).full.632407.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Pacifistic, dim-witted, kind to all, and somewhat clumsy every now and then. Wick tends to take insults and the like in stride, but is very shy when it comes to his appearance, which is why he wears a long cape and a mask. The most sensitive subject to bring up in a conversation with him is what his gender is, as he tends to respond to being called a man or a woman. He wouldn't be able to make up his mind on a preference. There are two things that should be known about Wick. The first is that he loves to bake, finding time to do so when carrying the proper ingredients and situation. The second is that he is he can sometimes be naive. The other reason he wears his mask is because the craftsman told him that it would scare off wild animals while collecting wildberries and other ingredients for his baking. He ended up learning how to move fast when that proved to be false. [b]Goal[/b]: To search for and bake with the greatest and rarest ingredients in the lands. [b]Skills[/b]: [list] [*]1x Dodging [*]2x Confectionary Crafting [/list] [b]Ability[/b]: To be assigned. [hider=Inventory] [list] [*]Bag of Baking Equipment [*]Basket of Goodies [*]3x Apple Fritter [*]3x Blueberry Scone [*]2x Cinnamon Roll [*]Rasberry Muffin [*]2x Croissant [/list][/hider][/hider]