as you can see, this never actually happened

An Near Future, Post Presidential MiniRP


Roleplayerguild has fallen.

The conquering armies of spambots have unleashed an attack never seen before upon the internet, and especially upon the fields of the guild. Hank, Kangaroo, the others have fallen in battle, barely able to stash away a small portion of their remaining nuclear arsenal. Terminal, for his walls of deep overwhelming lore, has been overrun. Precipice of War has been conquered. Dynamo Frokane has become old. The Twelve Labours have become The Twelve Casinos, and even Myyt, Bela and the old crew of Guild spammers have been mauled with kitchen sinks and bedframes. Mahz, driven from his own command room, can do nothing to stop it.

All that remains are the New Mods, those recruited after 2017 who were out... being very productive when all this went down. Back on the guild, they have come to see a war-torn wasteland without hope.

But damn if they will fall without a fight. Armed with banhammers, shotguns and an assortment of moderator weapons, they will return in full swing, facing the enemy with courage, honour, and not a little insanity.

This is guildFORSAKEN. The war has begun.

Alright, here we are. Apocalypse, cameos from our favorite gents, spambot invasion, all that. This will run through the rest of this month to the end of December - if this is not complete by then, (IC)Mahz will pull the plug and the Guild will be lost forever. So lets get started.

You're a mod. You have banhammers, shotguns (post deletion), and an assortment of tools to aid you short of the nuclear arsenal that obliterates individual bots and all their spawn. You came on the staff team some time from 2017 up to 2020 as cheap labor to take out the rising quantity of spambots, and by now you're pretty good at it. Not "charge in the room and kill everyone solo" good, but you can fight a dozen spawn and a couple bots to force them at a stalemate. This will be a mixed fantasy (hammers, melee equipment) and modern (shotguns, explosives, nukes) mix set in one setting, the Guild, with an assortment of rooms (size based on existing forums and extra bits based off navigation tabs). There's even a discord pool out back.

This is just the general concept thus far, so details and a CS will come later on. You'll be named as... yourself (something different, perhaps, if you made an alt and became mod with that at some point in the future). In the nill chance that a real mod comes in, half your CS is done for you, and you can in fact fight a room full of spambots at once. Win, another question, but you can fight in the battle. Spambots will attack with everything they got - kitchens, bedframes, entire beds, cars, playground equipment... they'll be many and they'll have stuff that is painful to be hit with. Your appearance? Make one up or be your avatar.

The tags are rather weird. There wasn't much to actually describe this, so I went with a modern fantasy apocalyptic RP with some anime logic on the side. Small group here is really more like 3-8 people + any cameos in the background.

I mentioned the names of some more well known guild faces, do tell me if you want zero mention. There will be some cameos, though they will be done with permission (feel free to request to become one and I'll hook you up at whatever point) and you can say "wtf? go away arenasnow" if you like as well.

Anyone going to feed my insanity bite?