[b]Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 2 | Sunday, July 5 2015[/b] Stuck on the defensive, the group quickly took to warding off any would-be attackers with spells, arrows and sword attacks; a faintly glowing layer surrounding everyone as Akane cast a defensive spell to aid them in holding out for now. As the shadow monkeys attacked, the distinct lack of spells or other attacks that affected an area as opposed to a single target made itself clear as Rui was the only one who could sweep away multiple attackers whilst Sato, Akane and Kotori were left with taking out anything that got around his slashes and, in the occasional lull in the swarms, to make strikes of opportunity at the larger leader shadow. Unfortunately, neither of these things seemed to be doing all too much - whilst they were able to at least hold off any monkey from actually reaching them, their numbers didn't seem to be decreasing noticeably whilst the shadows' leader seemed to just shrug off any spells being fired at it. If things didn't take a turn for the better, Kotori feared that they would succumb to sheer number sooner or later - but just as that fear began to creep up, Megumi's telepathic voice spoke up; confirming what they'd seen - the larger shadow was indeed nigh-on impervious. However, just a moment later she also revealed that this was not necessarily a permanent thing but rather that it was being powered by a shrine near the second group; similar to how the incense pot had been blocking the others' progress. Rui came to much the same conclusion as he quickly ordered a completely defensive approach for the time being - rather than waste any effort on the larger shadow, they could just focus on keeping any would-be attackers off them. Between the long-ranged attacks from both Sato's bow, Chronos' wind spells as well as Kikuri-Hime's lightning strikes and the slashing and stabbing at closer range from Rui and Akane, they should be able to hold on for the moment - and even if anything got through, Akane's Matarukaja should prevent the worst of it whilst Kotori, even as she readied another Zionga to be fired at an approaching shadow monkey, keep a close eye on the others and herself in order to immediately cast a healing spell should anyone have need thereof.