[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Nishimura Yuki[s]hiro[/s] [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=http://vitavitaar.deviantart.com/art/Magical-Girl-Inferno-Heart-Yukihiro-638092650]"Th-this isn't what I had in mind a-at all!"[/url] Yuki has light pink hair, pink eyes, and light skin. She's on the short end of average for a Japanese [i]girl[/i], perhaps even slightly below. Her magical girl outfit is black and pink with white frills. Yuki's casual wear is currently her old male clothes, as she is too nervous to buy girl's clothing and she hasn't gotten a female school uniform yet. (Someone should help with the clothes thing, really. <.< >.>) [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Yuki has always wanted to be a hero. To be someone who can protect the innocent and help others. And, even now, she still holds that desire firmly in her heart. Beyond this, she is something of a straightman. She becomes exasperated easily, questions things, and is quite easily flustered. In fact, she is very easily flustered or embarrassed, given certain... things about her situation. Still, even with what has happened, Yuki strives to be a good hero[i]ine[/i], and possesses a wealth of determination and fire in her heart(hence her title). She is a bit temperamental, however, especially given her situation. Regardless, Yuki won't stand for the harm of innocents or attacks on allies, quite simply because that is not what a true hero does. A true hero, in Yuki's mind, will always fight even when things look grim, will always step up and keep going, will always intervene to save the life of an innocent. To a true hero, in Yuki's mind, if the option is between kill one to save a thousand or let a thousand die to save one, they thrust both options aside and find a third option that saves everyone instead. [*][u][b]Hero Name:[/b][/u] Magical Girl Inferno Heart Yuki [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Using the gem on her necklace, Yuki can clad herself in the form of a magical girl. In this form, her speed and strength are enormously enhanced, allowing her to even scale a building by running if she builds up enough momentum, and damage thick armor with her punches and kicks. She is also vastly more durable, able to resist things that could seriously injure a human and recover from intense damage. With the assistance of her fairy, [url=http://vitavitaar.deviantart.com/art/Lulilulilulululilalalulali-also-known-as-Ruru-638654884]Lulilu... li... Luli... Lu... Ruru[/url], she can heal her own injuries as well as others, provided they're not very serious(really it's just her fairy doing it). Yuki also possesses special attacks as a magical girl. [list][*][u]Lovely Heart Punch!:[/u] Yuki's fist becomes engulfed in pink flames, and she hits her target very hard, resulting in a small, pink, fiery explosion. [*][u]Lovely Heart Kick!:[/u] Basically the same as above, but a kick. [i]Shocking[/i]. [*][u]Heart Bomber!!:[/u] Yuki punches the air numerous times, firing a stream of heart-shaped exploding projectiles at the target, bombarding them with exploding hearts. [*][u]Heart Missile!!:[/u] Yuki winds up and punches as hard as she can, even though there's literally no way this could possibly hit. Except it fires a missile of heart-shaped magical energy that explodes on impact. That's a lot more likely to hit then the punch is, though combining a successful punch with Heart Missile!! would [i]hurt[/i]. [*][color=f6989d][b][u]Giga HeartBreaker!!!:[/u][/b][/color] Yuki's most powerful attack(so far) and her finisher, Yuki's entire right arm is engulfed in pink fire. A heart-shaped force-field forms on her fist, and she rockets towards her target. Any regular monster is likely going to be exploded from the impact, and stronger ones will at least be injured. This attack can also power up from sheer determination.[/list]She also has a very powerful ahoge. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Yuki is actually an okay cook, especially when it comes to ramen. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] Nishimura Yukihiro was a pretty ordinary teenaged boy. Sure, he had dreams of being a hero, but nothing ever seemed to come his way. No superpowered suits, no magical transforming belts, no scientists revealing he's the descendant of some kind of ancient hero... nope, nothing. At least, until one night... a mysterious female voice offered him the power to protect people! She told him he had potential! What kind of self-respecting dreamer wouldn't say yes?! Only, well... there were some details that were left out of the agreement. For starters, Yukihiro didn't expect to be transformed into a girl. And it's not like it only lasted for while she was fighting, either. No, this transformation was permanent. Ruru helpfully explained that it says, in her rulebook, "[color=ed1c24][b][u]MAGICAL GIRLS CAN ONLY BE GIRLS![/u][/b][/color]", a rule she was instructed to take very seriously as a fairy companion. Since then, [i]Yuki[/i] has struggled with trying to wear [i]her[/i] old male uniform at school(the new one can't be too much longer, but it's so embarrassing to think about wearing!) and the fact that her mother is much less distressed about the situation then she thought she'd be... and that some of her friends are a little less then bothered too. Especially the magical girl fangirl. Still, even in this situation, a hero is a hero, and Yuki won't let herself forget that! Which is probably why she joined the Omamori Foundation, really.[/list]