[h1][b][color=#FF0000]K[/color][color=#FF8B00]y[/color][color=#E7FF00]o[/color] [color=#00FF2E]M[/color][color=#00FFB9]a[/color][color=#00B9FF]s[/color][color=#002EFF]t[/color][color=#5C00FF]e[/color][color=#E700FF]r[/color][color=#FF008B]s[/color][/b][/h1] [hider=Kyo's Info]Name: [color=#F5DEB3]Kyo Masters[/color] Age: 24 Appearance: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/211937632236732416/246499743683837952/IMG_0286.JPG[/img] Sign: Scorpio Birthday: November 1st Parents: Lee and Friday Masters [color=green]Likes[/color] Supernatural Children True love [color=red]Dislikes[/color] Cheaters Third chances Suicide Alcoholism [color=Blue]~History~[/color] Kyo was to Lee and Friday Masters on November 8th. They thought that they were so ready for children little did they know that not everyone wasn't meant to become a parent. They both found out during the years that they could coexist in the good times but they couldn't in the bad ones. His mother slowly seeped in depression though the child's father slowly began to slip off the sober wagon. As the boy grew the problems as home worsen and yet Kyo never once complained. At the age of 9 it wasn't uncommon for his father to come home drunk and nearly flat out broke. when the kid get to go ask his father for help to get his mother out of the bathroom a hand slapped across his face. what the boy didn't know was this was the beginning of all of his troubles. As the years went on the abuse and drinking only became worse. At the age of 12 the child ran away from home just to get away from the couple. Unfortunately the first escape attempt never succeeded. One day when his mother was inside her bedroom, door locked as usual, and Jojo was still at work Kyo was finally able to get out of the house. During the walk the child met a silver haired boy named Seth. As the day grew to a close he talked about what was happening at home. Once he walked back a normal beating was waiting for him. At the age of 16 Seth had come to the home with a restraining order and cuffs for the teenager's parents. Of course the two denied everything. This was how Kyo got introduced with the FBI. Kyo was about 21 when his relationship with Ariel came to a screeching halt. She was caught inside his friend's bed for what was second cheating relationship, causing a whole year of nothing but friction with the two. On their first mission,in Brooklyn, the ended up finding something rather unusual. The news mention something about bite marks and the victims being drained of their blood. Eventually they came across a vampire leaning over a body of a little girl with orders to kill her. Long story short they all three escaped and the girl became apart of their group with a contract which promised she would never drink blood from a human again. [/hider]