[center][h2][color=thistle]Princess Sade Magoro of Udawen[/color][/h2]

Sade felt someone rubbing her cheek in gentle strokes as she slowly stirred herself awake, forcing her eyes open a tiny sliver. When she'd finally managed to open her eyes, she saw that her favorite handmaiden, Zola, had been the one to wake her up. Zola had been a part of Sade's life since she was two years old, and loves her as though she was her grandmother. "Well, Good morning, sunshine!" The old handmaiden said with a bright smile. Returning the smile, Sade sat up in bed and stretched her arms above her head, allowing the sunlight that was beaming in through the window warm her skin. There was the peculiar taste of stale saliva in her mouth from sleeping with her mouth open, making her desperately want a glass of water. Sade was definitely not a morning person, preferring to stay up all night and sleep all day. 

In fact, she'd been up late the night before, laying out her outfit for this morning's breakfast and the Grand Ball that would take place later on. Shortly after she'd finished the final touches on her outfit, her parents arrived, finally letting her know to whom she was betrothed to. "It's time to get ready for breakfast, dear." Zola said before leaving Sade to her own devices.

After about ten minutes of sitting in bed and staring into space, Sade finally arose and started her morning routine: she took a shower, washed her hair and face, brushed her teeth, and got dressed. Because it was so early in the morning, Sade decided against wearing makeup, opting for a clear gloss on her lips instead. She knew that her mother would disapprove, but didn't think too much of it. After all, she [i]was[/i] forcing her to wear heels. Unfortunately, her hair had not completely dried before it was time to leave her room, so she pulled it into a large [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-G8EbEfuEN6w/VoCLMxPY90I/AAAAAAAAKkU/b-R8gx25fBg/s1600/Hair-Puff-Tutorial.jpg]puff[/url] on the top of her head.

Once finished, Sade left her room and headed towards the dining room for breakfast. The closer she got, however, the more her palms sweated. In just a few moments, she'd officially meet the man she was to marry. Upon entering the dining room, she grew more anxious, but made sure to maintain her composure. Taking a quick glance around, she saw that Mai Mei, Elizaveta, Feora, Raven, Nikolai, and [i]Leon[/i] had already arrived and were conversing among themselves. Clearing her throat and letting a bright smile find its way to her lips, Sade made her way to the group.

[color=thistle]"Good morning, everyone,"[/color] Sade said with a slight nod of her head, [color=thistle]"I see that I am a bit late, do forgive me."[/color] She looked at each one of them as she spoke, making direct eye contact. [color=thistle]"[i]Ni nzuri na kufanya marafiki wako[/i], It's nice to meet you all."[/color]