[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Elizaveta%20Romanova&name=IndentureEnglishPenman.ttf&size=100&style_color=a187be[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9uga3khR41rbwpzfo1_500.gif[/img][hr][i]Interacting With:[/i] [@ayzrules] [@mnkee] [@Kyrisse] [@mskennedy615] [@alexfangtalon] [hr][/center] [color=a187be]"Thank you ever so kindly,"[/color] Elizaveta said in a kind voice towards Feora as she complimented them both on their attire. It seemed to be a genuine compliment and so the grand duchess took it as such, she saw no reason not to. Turning her attention to Nikolai her brow rose just ever so slightly, hardly noticeable, when he spoke of having a hard time to sleep and speaking about catching the sunrise. He conveniently left out the part where he had been out with another woman and sharing that moment with her. To have him suggest that they would share the same sat oddly in the pit of her stomach. Was private moments shared between two such a thing that was common in his lands? Had she had shared such a moment with another and then invited a different person to do the same, well her grandmother would have given her a good weeks long speech on how improper it was. Those thoughts were the only thing that saved Elizaveta from blushing to her core when Nikolai placed a kissed to her cheek. Lost in thought she had barely even noticed he had pressed his lips to her skin. Only truly noticing it when he spoke and complimented her in her native tongue. A gentle smile came to her lips as she rested her free hand on the arm she had her other laced with. [color=a187be]"Thank you my dear, you look as handsome as ever,"[/color] she complimented him before glancing away. She knew she would have turned red as fresh strawberries had she been focused more surely when he kissed her but because of the distraction of thought, not a hint of color came to her skin and she was able to remain as composed and graceful as ever. Something she was very thankful for, it would not do well to blush right then, not when questions needed to be asked and answered. Yet she couldn't ask them right then, it would not be proper. [color=a187be]"Perhaps one day we can share such an intimate moment, though it probably should wait until we are further along in our betrothal to share such a moment. To be alone already could be taken as a salacious act,"[/color] she said quietly before looking back towards Nikolai. She looked at him for a moment before giving him a soft reassuring smile. [color=a187be]"Though I do hope that one day we care deeply enough about each other to share such intimacies."[/color] Seeing Prince Fords entering the room out of the corner of her eye she turned her attention to him. Giving a proper curtsy as he greeted them before returning the sentiment. [color=a187be]"Good morning to you as well Leon. You look well rested and ready to go,"[/color] she said in a friendly voice before noticing that noticing that Sade was entering the room as well. She smiled at the woman, extending her hand to her graciously. [color=a187be]"Nothing to forgive, truly a pleasure to be able to meet you and speak with you."[/color]