Name: Lady Elizabeth Harris Age: 143 Gender: Female Appearance: 5'4, 130 lbs. Blonde hair, brown eyes. Wears glasses. Faction/Rank: White Council, low ranking Warden Background: Grew up a minor member of the British aristocracy, learned of her talent at the age of 15. Apprenticed under Thomas Sanders, a now-deceased kinetomancer. Been a (somewhat) well-respected member of the White Council ever since. Got her grey cloak a decade ago. Earned some recognition for driving a small scourge of Black Court vampires out of Liverpool. She went in in full daylight, silver stake at the ready. Cleared out the thralls and Renfields pretty easily, and staked two vamps in the coffins, and a third who woke up a little groggy. She even managed to wound the scourge leader, who then fled and hasn't been heard from since. Personality: The fact that she's insistent about her title tells you a lot about Elizabeth. Namely, that she's snooty as all get-out. Despite this, she is fiercely loyal to the White Council and hell-bent on seeing Kemmler dead. Magic types: Evocation, aeromancy. Her magic is more like a sledgehammer than anything else; she doesn't have the patience required for thaumaturgy. Items: A self-made hickory wand and a pair of glasses enchanted to see through low-level glamours (think a wimpy version of Rashid's ointment).