First draft. Please look at it carefully. [hider=Lena Thornton][b]Name:[/b] Lena Thornton. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b] Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Class/Faction:[/b] White council. [b]Background:[/b] Lena was not born in a happy time, but she was fortunate enough to be born in a magical family. Her mother was a wizard, loosely associated with the white council on good days. Apparently she was a pretty good wizard, but not good enough to stop a direct hit from one of the German bombers. By a stroke of luck young Lena had been with her father about two houses away when the bomb fell and was unharmed. After that, he could not take care of his daughter anymore and had her sent away to the north like so many other children. He did manage to get hold of one of his wife’s wizard-friends who intercepted the train and made sure that the child was put in the care of someone who could bring her up properly. That someone was apparently Regan Shauna O’Bagley (yeah, Lena has no idea how that happened either). [b]Personality:[/b] Lena is a heavily introverted young woman, she rarely engage in small-talk or anything that doesn’t have a point. Over all, her social skills could be better, but she manages by the skin of her teeth. Her saving graces being an almost otherworldly calmness no matter what happens and the fact that she’s loyal to the death, although maybe not very obedient. She also have a very high IQ. Most people believe that IQ is in some way related to intelligence, which is wrong. What Lena excel at is seeing and understanding connections, she loves to read and has about a million tiny post-its placed in various books for reference. [b] Appearance:[/b] Lena is a young woman of normal height and slim build. Quite different from the other women in the Drestenverse she really has nothing that could be seen as attractive in any kind of light. She lacks curves, has dull brown eyes and dull brown hair, thin lips and dry-ish skin. She cares very little about her own appearance, shops most of her clothes in the men’s section and cuts her own hair. Makeup is out of the question. [b]Magic Type(s):[/b] Alchemy - The mixing of potions. This is Lena’s real forte. There is something about her mind that makes mixing various ingredients together seem almost logical. Thaumaturgy - The creation of magical bonds and the power to influence something big with something small. Hydromancy - By far her weakest skill, too spontaneous and unpredictable. On the other hand, other mages seems to despise being drenched as well. [b]Equipment:[/b] Weight ring (Made by Regan) - A normal metallic, smooth ring carried on her right ring finger. This ring has been infused with Regan’s terramancy. Upon activation it'll launch a gravitation spell at whatever Lena is aiming it at, effectively doubling the weight of whatever it hits. Pentagram focal rings - An intricate design. This focus item consists of five silver rings (one on each finger of her left hand), connected by a fine silver chain between each other. When the hand is stretched out it creates a pentagram so horribly crooked and uneven that no five year old would even dare to show it to their parents. The symbol is there though, and the connections are made by the chains. The design is Lena’s own and she is quite proud of it. Shield bracelet - A wide (about two inches) bracelet Lena keeps on her left arm. As opposed to other shield bracelets that are basically a chain with small shields on, this one resembles a hunk of metal. While it is smooth and polished, it is not adorned in any way. The bracelet is infused with a shield spell and will put up a sphere around Lena upon activation that should shield her from most ordinary attacks, although it has trouble standing up to magic as suck a small focus item tends to overheat quickly. The bracelet used to be connected to the Pentagram rings in an attempt to create a pentacle focus. The idea was that the pentagram would technically be inside the ring of the bracelet as her hand was stuck through it. Turns out that the laws of magic are bendy enough to allow the pentagram rings, but the pentacle was too much. Bag of mysteries - This is an entirely normal backpack. It does contain mysteries though. As an alchemist Lena is always prepared to gather materials and carrier with her a hundred zip-lock bags wherever she goes, as well as a few commonly used materials like salt, just in case. [b]Other:[/b] Lena hates cats, she’s more of a dog person.[/hider]