[quote=@Leidenschaft] Ornery warrior chicks ftw, Solveig x Piper x Marassa. [/quote] They need their own spinoff. [quote=@Frizan] Done. Poor Balance: Unfortunately, Piper does not share Sagax's uncanny ability to always stay on his feet. Though her armor helps in anchoring her, given the right amount of force, Piper can be toppled relatively easily. I remembered something I wrote for Sagax's backstory about him feinting an attack and knocking Piper off balance to score a hit on her during a spar, so I went off of that. [/quote] Works for me! Dervish's Walrus of Approval is yours. [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/308f/i/2009/312/f/7/walrus_of_approval_by_blazerhyno.jpg[/img]