Alright, managed to get my post up, not entirely happy with it so if it isn't up to par I'll try to edit it and make it better. Sorry for my disappearance guys, last couple of weeks -well, months in general- have been a little hectic and I do not feel all that well so that might be why it took me so long to get this post up. So, once again, my apologies for the delay. Two things on regards to my post. I decided that Tsleeixth would get stabbed in the gut thrice as his heavy injury, if the wound's either too severe or not severe enough I'll edit accordingly. Second,[@Hank], I hope it is ok that I mentioned that Tsleeixth saw Niernen panicking, I wrote it a bit ambiguously -saying that he couldn't see clearly due to the steam in the room- in case you decide to not go with her panicking but, regardless, Tsleeixth's Frost Atronach is headed towards Niernen. Once again, if this is a problem I can edit it out. With all that said, I hope the post is ok guys.