WIP [hider=My Hider] Name: Hitomi Kodachi Age: 15 Appearance: [img]http://cdn.1001freedownloads.com/wallpaper/19772/preview/japanese-brunettes-blue-eyes-long-hair-weapons-thigh-highs-anime_preview_c27c.jpg[/img] Personality: Like most samurais, samurais are serious, cold hearted, lone wolf, quiet and most of all they do not make jokes. Hitomi however she is the opposite, she outgoing, kind hearted, friendly, loud and most of all she made some jokes then and there. Hero Name: sapphire samurai [url=http://static.zerochan.net/Potato.(Poteton-Com).full.1561874.jpg]Her magical girl Outfit[/url] Abilities: [list] [*] Copycat: Hitomi can make clone of herself to attack near by target and if the clone get attack they disappear like [b]Poof[/b] [*] Blue slash: [*] Blade rocket: her blade shoot out like a rocket [*] [/list] Skills: Brief Backstory [/hider]