[b]Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 2 | Sunday, July 5 2015[/b] Megumi's warnings about the protective veil surrounding the shadow monkey leader were only reconfirmed whenever a gap in the shadowy attackers allowed for a brief attack on it - but to no avail; the attack glancing off the nigh-invisible shroud and the superficial damage being healed just moments later. As such, there was little more for the group to do than holding on until a chance to strike back appeared - not exactly a situation that Kotori was fond of finding herself in. Still, grouped up close together, Rui and Akane were able to hold off any shadow monkeys trying to get too close whilst Sato and she could thin out the incoming numbers with arrows and spells - and if any attack did manage to get through, Kotori was ready to cast a healing spell at a moment's notice. Fortunately though, this turned out to be unnecessary - though with a seeming endless number of foes, the monkey were getting a little closer every time, the other team managed to disrupt whatever was powering the protective veil in time; a faint shimmer around the larger shadow monkey intensifying before fading into nothingness. Still, even with that gone they still had to deal with the large horde between them - unless they called for aid. And call they did - a call that was answered with a hawk's cry moments later as explosions ripped through the hot springs, sending up fountainous sprays of water and blasting dozens of shadow monkeys away, all the while leaving both the shadowy leader weakened and a path to it clear. The group had fought through enough of these dungeons to know an opportunity when it presented itself, even before Rui ordered a full-on assault. As such, Kotori was quick to nod in acknowledgement as she called upon her persona's powers once more. [color=green]"Kikuri-Hime,"[/color] she said as she aimed for the large shadow monkey, [color=green]"Zionga."[/color] Her words were immediately followed by a thunderous roar; the lightning crashing down and striking the shadow leader - and hopefully keeping it in place long enough for the others to deliver the final blow.