Lena stood silent a few steps behind the rest of the group that had gathered outside the mansion. That was the way she liked it, out of the way, but close enough to listen. Master Regan was often commended about her well-behaved pupil, either openly or in the form of a snarky comment (Do you spray water in her eyes if she misbehaves?). She was often silent, no point in making speech sounds unless she had something to say, and someone had something to reply. She'd stood silent like a gargoyle through the meeting as well, although she'd begun to regret it halfway through. Master had warned her about the tediousness of wizards, but she hadn't been close. Luckily she'd found a small cluster of apprentices and the unspoken, and never revealed practice of rotation had begun. A few minutes at the front, looking spry and alert, a few minutes at the back leaning against the wall to get some weight off your feet. The apprentices were also a good source of information. Any piece of information that fell out of the mouth of one of the proper wizards were retold and emptied of all relevant info amongst the apprentices. Sometimes she feared that their whispers would draw the rage of someone, but it seemed like everyone had too much to do. She'd gotten some info on this Kemmler-guy. Necromancer, killed before, come back. Like Jesus, but the women were weeping fr entirely different reasons. Discreetly, Lena shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She wanted to be done with it all. She wanted to go back home to her cauldron. She'd been up late last night collecting light from the moon to use in a potion that would boost the senses and she wanted to try it. Her robe was too coarse and a hair from her armpit had somehow managed to get stuck in it, which meant that every time she moved her arm, she also tugged at that single hair. The sooner she got away the better. But of course there were no such luck. The people who had spoken so far had just gone around in circles... "I saw him once", "I wonder how he does it", what if we fail?" Not bloody important, how do we find the bloke? That's a question worth asking. Why now, what is the frequency between his reincarnations and what kind of preparations are needed? Knowing that, a counter-measure should be childs play to figure out. Lena buried her gaze in Master Regan's head, trying as best as she could to force her masters thoughts to sync with her own. Ask the important questions or let's go. Of course, unless you knew Lena well, you wouldn't think that she was doing anything else than following the conversation, her face was entirely relaxed apart from her eyes, which were locked on her master.