[Center][h1][color=#669900]Xylo[/color][/h1][/Center] Onboard the ship that would forever the associated with the Planet Trade Association and empire of Frieza. At the cabin, where the members of Nox Team, a bit more than a handful, both in numbers and personality wise. Amongst them was the tallest of them all, the green skinned being from an entire galaxy away. Someone who knew full well what power, [i]real[/i] power, the kind the likes of Frieza have, was like, he was born from it, he had tasted it, and he wanted it. He was Xylo, a Namekian Mutant - born in Exile, banished from his native planet, and now, he was here, a member of Nox - the Renegades of the Frieza Army. A group a step above the average grunts, yet, far from the elite, like the Ginyu Force, or even Frieza's right hand men, Zarbon and Dodoria. Hell, Xylo had even heard that there were a trio of Saiyans who were still amongst the ranks that were more powerful than the entirety of Nox. Yet, while their power levels might not all be the most impressive, they were a very rare bunch of misfits, from all corners of the universe, and they kept getting the job done, time and time again. He stood there, in the cabin, with the rest of his crew, looking at the planet they were going to invade, to put the population of the planet under their heels, like they had so many times before. To fight, murder and pillage everything they could, all in the name of the [i]Great Lord Frieza[/i]. After he was presented as the new leader, the natural choice, really, he stepped forward, to address the questions of Zero - the failed experiment in cloning Frieza, an effort to revitalize the emperor's race. It always surprised Xylo just how alike Zero and the emperor looked, they don't call it cloning for nothing. [color=#669900]"We are to exterminate everyone in our path. They are to submit to us, and to the rule of the Planet Trade Organization. No means are off limits. Harm, maim or kill any of the natives in our path. We do not need to take prisoners. ETA till drop is 5 minutes. Enough Chit-Chatting, ready up, Nox.[/color] Xylo commanded, as he walked towards the exit of the ship, waiting for it to enter the atmosphere of the planet, so they could land and begin their attack.